
  • 网络Self care;positive self-regard
  1. 人文精神是一种普遍的人类自我关怀,是对全面发展的理想人格的肯定和塑造。

    Humanistic spirit is man 's self-concern that ensures the overall development of ideal personality .

  2. 为什么:很多单身人士为了工作和事业放弃了快乐和自我关怀。

    Why it matters : Many singles forego pleasure and self-care for their jobs or career .

  3. 两种自我关怀传统与新形而上学

    Two Self-concerns and New Metaphysics

  4. 可以反思的方向有:精神态度,本地旅行,事业和荣誉,自我关怀。

    Review your approach to : mental attitude , local travel , career and reputation , self-parenting .

  5. 中国传统文化所表明的自我关怀的本质是宗法、集体、藏私、拟人等为其属性。而宗法是自我关怀之本;

    Chinese culture indicates the essence of self-concern including patriarchal clan system , collectivism , hiding selfishness , personification .

  6. 德性在本质上是一种和谐能力、是人类的自我关怀;

    The nature of virtue ethics is a kind of harmonious capability , in other words , it refers to human self-care .

  7. 人文精神是一种内在的文化精神,表现为对人类遗留下来的各种精神文化现象的高度珍视,是一种普遍的人类自我关怀的价值观。

    Humanistic spirit is an inherent culture spirit , manifested in hign value of a variety of spiritual culture phenomenon legacy . It is a universal human value of self-care .

  8. 开始由对单纯的赛事的报道,转变到对人的尊严、价值、命运的维护、追求和关切、人类自我关怀的人本思想上面来。

    Attention to events and change on human dignity , worth , the fate of maintenance , the pursuit and concerns of human self-care for " the people " thinking above .

  9. 劳伦斯对现代人生存状态的描述和解救更多打上了个人烙印,带有浓厚的理想主义色彩,但唤醒了人们对本真自我的关怀和对个体生命力的张扬。

    Laurence 's description and redemption of the modern people , with strong personal tint and idealist color though , awake in people a concern to their real self and an expand of their own vitality .

  10. 当然,时代造就他们的率性和纯真,也埋下了只注重自我缺乏人文关怀的隐患。

    Of course , while the times created their frankness and innocence , it laid the lack of humanistic concern .

  11. 在女性作家的创作里,她们的写作一旦凸现性别立场,就会出现相仿的精神指向:对自我生命的关怀。

    When their writing taking on sex position , the produce will appear similar spirit point & care for their own life .

  12. 在积极方面,要让个体尊重生命、肯定生命的意义与价值,并达成自我实现及关怀人类的目标。

    On the positive side , let the individual respect for life , life-affirming meaning and value and care for human beings to achieve self-realization and the target .