
  • 网络muddy water
  1. 嘉汉林业在去年首次受到关注,当时卖空者浑水公司(muddywaters)指控其夸大资产。

    Sino-forest first came under scrutiny last year when muddy waters , the short seller , accused it of overstating its assets .

  2. 今年6月,在多伦多上市的中国林业集团嘉汉林业(sinoforest)因被研究机构浑水公司(muddywaters)指控虚报销售额和林地价值,股价大跌。

    In June Sino forest , a Toronto-listed Chinese forestry group , saw its shares fall sharply after the research firm muddy waters accused the company of overstating its sales and the value of its forest land .

  3. 2011年,专长于卖空的研究集团开始成为亚洲股市上一支不可忽视的力量。就在那一年,浑水公司抨击在多伦多上市的嘉汉林业(Sino-Forest)所公布账目的真实性。

    Research groups specialising in short selling emerged as a force to be reckoned with in Asia in 2011 when Muddy Waters attacked the veracity of accounts published by Toronto-listed Sino-Forest .

  4. 奥兰称,提起诉讼的理由是浑水公司“诽谤、中伤和恶意捏造谎言”。

    OLAM said it had initiated the action based on " libel , slander and malicious falsehood " .

  5. 这些授权中间商扮演的角色,是浑水公司6月发布的报告的核心。

    The role of such authorised intermediaries is at the heart of the report issued by muddy waters in June .

  6. 浑水公司表示,如果这家公司的营运现金流果真接近20亿美元,它就不用向债权人提出在法院指导下进行重组。

    If the company were really generating close to $ 2bn in operating cash flow , it would not have had to file for a court supervised restructuring with its creditors , Muddy Waters said .

  7. 浑水研究公司创始人卡森布洛克(carsonblock)在一份报告中指控嘉汉林业夸大资产,并通过中介转移资金以欺骗投资者。

    Carson block , the founder of research group muddy waters , accused Sino forest in a report of overstating its assets and diverting money through intermediaries to defraud investors .

  8. 嘉汉林业的股票自6月份以来出现暴跌,当时持有该股卖空头寸的浑水研究公司(muddywaters)发布报告,指控嘉汉林业是一个骗局。

    Shares in Sino-forest have plunged since June , when research group muddy waters , which had a short position on Sino-forest stock , issued a report that alleged the company was a fraud .

  9. 经营浑水研究公司的卡森布洛克(carsonblock)在上海拥有一家小型自助式私人仓储公司,他在过去一年已针对6家在北美上市的中国公司发布过报告。

    Carson block , the man behind muddy waters , is the owner of a small self-storage company in Shanghai who has issued reports in the past year on six Chinese companies listed in North America .

  10. 比如,嘉汉林业(Sino-Forest)在被卖空投资者浑水研究公司(Sino-Forest)指控会计欺诈(该公司否认相关指控)后,被加拿大监管机构勒令暂停交易。

    Sino-Forest , for example , was suspended by Canadian regulators after being accused by short seller Muddy Waters of accounting fraud , which it denied .

  11. 嘉汉林业周日表示,其独立委员会将在4至6周内发布一份针对浑水研究公司指控的初步报告,并最迟在今年底完成调查。

    Sino-Forest said on Sunday that its independent committee would release an interim report on the Muddy Waters allegations in four to six weeks and complete its review by year-end .