
hún yí
  • armillary sphere;celestial globe
浑仪 [hún yí]
  • [armillary sphere] 古代一种天文仪器,由一组圆环构成,设计成表示天球的若干重要位置,并将其极轴调到子午圈和地平圈之内

  1. 浑仪是中国古代的一种天文观测仪器。

    The Armillary Sphere was an astronomic observatory instrument in ancient China .

  2. 人们使用浑仪在这个蛋黄上测量天体的位置。

    People used the armillary sphere to examine the posi-tion of celestial bodies from the earth .

  3. 最初,浑仪的结构很简单,只有三个圆环和一根金属轴。

    The armillary sphere 's structure was very simple at the very beginning , with three rings and a metal axis .

  4. 以水为动力,集浑仪、浑象、报时装置于一体,是世界上最早的天文钟。

    Using water power and having all the functions of the armillary sphere , it was the first astronomical clock in the world .

  5. 该仪器的结构和使用都比浑仪简单,而且除北极星附近以外,整个天空一览无余,故称简仪。

    The apparatus is simpler than the armillay sphere in terms of structure and application , and it gives a panorama of the celes-tial sphere except the part around Polaris , so it is called Abridged Armilla .

  6. 明铸浑仪反映了宋至元代浑仪的研究成果,留有其流传沿革的痕迹,玑衡抚辰仪是清代所铸的最后一架大型简化浑仪,两仪相距时间跨度有300余年。

    The armillary sphere made in the Ming Dynasty was the result of research by scholars of the song Dynasty , and the New Armillary sphere , with an interval of more than 300 years between the two instruments .

  7. 后来,古人为了便于观测太阳、行星和月球等天体,在浑仪内又添置了几个圆环,使浑仪成为多种用途的天文观测仪器。

    Later , in order to facilitate the observation of more celestial bodies , such as the sun , the planets , and the moon , more rings were added inside the armillary sphere , making it a multi-purpose astronomic instrument .

  8. 对我国宋代测时设备圭表、日晷、浑仪和守时设备漏壶,从它们的结构,读数装置、观测方法等分析其观测误差。

    The structure , reading set and observing methods of the instruments for time measuring and keeping , such as gnomon , sundial , armillary sphere and clepsydra in Song dynasty , have been analysed and their observation errors have been obtained .

  9. 汉中期,杰出的天文学家张衡对浑仪作了大胆创新,设计并制作了漏水转浑天仪。张衡还制造出了世界上第一架测量天体位置的水运浑天仪,凡是已知的重要天文现象,都刻在这架仪器上。

    In the middle of the Eastern Han Dynasty , Zhang Heng , an outstanding astronomer , made bold innovations to the armillary sphere , and de-signed and made the first water-driven armillary sphere in the world to measure the position of celestial bodies , which was carved with known important astronomical phenomena .