
  • 网络Hunyuan County
  1. 恒山位于大同市浑源县境内,不仅是中国著名的五岳名山之一,还是著名的道教圣地。

    Mount Hengshan ( Heng Shan ), in Hunyuan County , is one of the " Five Great Peaks " of China , and is also a major Taoist site .

  2. 悬空寺座落在中国山西省浑源县城南5千米处,北岳恒山的绝壁之上。

    Xuankong Temple , located 5 kilometers south of Hunyuan town in Shanxi Province ; is perched on the cliff of Mount Hengshan .

  3. 唐河流域位于山西省北部,通过浑源、灵丘两县,汇入河北省大清河。

    The Tanghe River valley is located in the north of Shanxi province , flows in the Daqing River of Hebei province .