
shēnɡ chǎn duì
  • production team;production brigade
  1. 生产队的鸭子已养肥到可以上市了。

    The ducks of the production team have been fed out .

  2. 第三生产队那片高产田靠近公路。

    The third production team 's high-yielding land abuts on the high-way .

  3. 超产的不单是这几个生产队。

    These are not the only production teams that have overfulfilled the output quota .

  4. 这些小学生经常帮生产队积肥、锄草,诸如此类的好事他们还做过很多。

    These school children regularly help the production teams collect manure and do weeding ; they often do good deeds like this .

  5. 他们被授予先进生产队的光荣称号。

    They were honoured with the title of " Advanced Production Team " .

  6. 家里子妹多就上到小学三年级回生产队做饭。

    Home to more than younger son on third grade production to cook .

  7. 我们生产队收入的百分之七十来自农产品。

    Seventy per cent of out production team 's income derives from agricultural produce .

  8. 许多生产队还储备粮食。

    Many production teams even laid in reserves .

  9. 我们指派男女各五人去帮助那个生产队。

    We count off five men and five women to help the other production team .

  10. 作为生产队一部分,我发现了分享和接受批评的重要性。

    As part of the production team , I discovered the importance of sharing and accepting criticism .

  11. 他偷了生产队的铁镐,遭到了队长的批评。

    He stole the pickaxe from the production team and was therefore criticized by the team leader .

  12. 如果你所在的生产队条件较好,既种蔬菜又养猪,那你就有可能吃上肉。

    If your battalion was good , planting vegetables and raising pigs , you could eat meat .

  13. 但是,农民和基层生产队并不能决定包产到户能不能得到合法的承认。

    However , peasants do not have the rights to determine the legitimacy of this system by themselves .

  14. 而且,由于土地使用权分配的平均主义,法律上的所有者&生产队,也没有真正意义上的处置权。

    Moreover , the owners of land in law , the workgroup , do not have real disposal right .

  15. 实行包产到户的地方,经济的主体现在也还是生产队。

    Where farm output quotas are fixed by household , the production teams still constitute the main economic units .

  16. 不该偷生产队的稻草,可是我要是不偷,咱就

    I shouldn 't have stolen the rice straw but if I didn 't do it , we * " . "

  17. 大约在我上到小学三年级时,一天早晨起来,听到我们生产队传来一阵模糊的鞭炮声。

    I am on about the third grade when , one morning , and listening to our production team from a vague sound of firecrackers .

  18. 农民和基层生产队发明了家庭承包责任制,也证明了这套办法能够有效地增加产量、抵御饥荒。

    The fact that peasants invented the household contractual responsibility system proves that this practice could effectively increase productivity and alleviate the impact of famine .

  19. 从两个农场的12个生产队统计,平均每个生产队青贮玉米播种面积在1000亩以上。

    The average planting area in each production unit is more than 1000 Mu according to the statistics from 12 production units of 2 state farms .

  20. 全村共4个生产队,540人,全村劳动力以出外打工为主,务农人口较少。

    There are4 production teams in the village with a population of540.labor forces in the village mainly are migrant workers , with few living on farming .

  21. 比如:一个100户农民的生产队,办公共食堂之前,每家需要一个人做饭,全队共需100个人。

    Such as : a100 households farmers'production brigades , run the public canteen before , each need a person to cook , the team were to100 people .

  22. 第三部分以广西博白县博白镇大良村王枧生产队为例,对发证过程中的关键问题和解决思路进行详细论述说明。

    In the third part , as an example of the village in Guangxi , the key problems in the process of solving methods are explained in detail .

  23. 它将农村传统的以血缘关系和宗族关系为纽带的自然村落改造成为人民公社下属的大队、生产队的基层组织。

    It transformed the rural traditional natural villages linked by consanguine and patriarchal relationships into the grassroots organizations of production brigades and teams under the people 's commune .

  24. 最终总结与探讨,生产队对于国家与农民关系的意义以及对当今农村发展的影响。

    At last , the paper illustrates the significance of the production team to the relations between the nation and farmers and the influence on nowadays rural development .

  25. 比如说,要尽量保持以生产队为基本核算单位,就得说服群众,加强干部。

    For example , in order to keep the production team as the basic accounting unit , we shall have to convince the masses and strengthen the ranks of cadres .

  26. 新产品设计部与设计者及里维埃拉的生产队合作,负责采购新组件和新设备,并为模型说明书做准备。

    NPD works with the designers and the Riviera Production team and is responsible for the sourcing of new components and equipment and also supports the preparation of the model specifications .

  27. 安徽肥西县绝大多数生产队搞了包产到户,增产幅度很大。

    Fixing output quotas on a household basis has been adopted in most of the production teams in Feixi County , Anhui Province , and there have been big increases in production .

  28. 1980~1982年,在水网型血吸虫病流行区的4个生产队用现场调查结合模拟实验的方法对虫卵落入有钉螺水体的机率作计量研究。

    A quantitative study on the probability of the dispersion of schistosome eggs into Oncomelania-infested water bodies was carried out during 1980-1982 in a plain region of schistosomiasis endemic area by field survey and simulated experiments .

  29. 农业资源管理涉及到的部门,从纵的方面讲,包括农户-生产队-总场,从横向方面讲,包括生产办、气象站、土地局、水利科、畜牧科、林业科等部门。

    Agriculture resource management involves the department , from the longitudinal aspect including peasants , company and farm , from the horizontal aspect including production faculty , weather station , land bureau , irrigation works faculty .

  30. 解放以来,此俗仍未废,公社化时期,有些生产队的青少年也烧火把,娱乐之意已为主。

    Since the liberation , this vulgar yet abolition of the commune period , some of the production team of young people is also light a fire to , entertainment , has been the main meaning .