
  1. 洁白无瑕的沙滩上,闪光的棕榈树叶在温和的海风中舞动,摇曳生姿。

    Glossy palm fronds twist in the temperate wind along immaculate , powder white beaches .

  2. 惊艳的白色礼服配上深V领口,阿奎莱拉在今年的红毯上摇曳生姿赚足了风头,也完完全全地打了个翻身仗。

    In a stunning white gown with a plunging neckline , Aguilera completely redeemed herself with this year 's carpet sashay .

  3. 海底丛丛的海草随着湖水摇曳生姿。

    Groves of seaweeds sway beautifully along with the flowing water .

  4. 到达马丁在第五大道的顶层公寓工作室时,我因为其充满女性气质的装潢而吃了一惊,里面全是淡紫色和白色,薄纱窗在微风袭来时应该会摇曳生姿。

    When I arrived at Ms. Martyn 's Fifth Avenue penthouse studio , I was taken aback by the estrogen-y d é cor , which is entirely lavender and white with gauzy curtains that should properly be billowing in a strong breeze .

  5. 我们站在猛烈摇晃的船头斜桅边,全然陶醉在这种摇曳生姿的景色中,一时间没有注意到那些旅客的揶揄的眼色,他们象是一群未出过海的人,看到这两个家伙竟会这样相得,不禁大为诧异;

    So full of this reeling scene were we , as we stood by the plunging bowsprit , that for some time we did not notice the jeering glances of the passengers , a lubber-like assembly , who marvelled that two fellow beings should be so companionable ;

  6. 一簇簇绚丽多彩的海葵在水流里永不止息地摇曳生姿,海星一动不动地粘在石头上和石缝里。一条小小的长满了白色斑纹的黑鳗鱼穿梭在绿意盎然的水草间,等着大海的归来。

    The bouquets of brilliant anemones undulated ceaselessly in the invisible current , twisted shells scurried about the edges , obscuring the crabs within them , starfish stuck motionless to the rocks and each other , while one small black eel with white racing stripes wove through the bright green weeds , waiting for the sea to return .

  7. 面对这造化的奇景,只瞧得目瞪口呆,惊叹不已,一斜眼,只见湖畔生着一丛丛茶花,在月色下摇曳生姿。

    By this natural wonder he was totally amazed , goggle-eyed , and at a side glance spotted clusters of camellia , which danced in the moonlight charmingly .