
  • 网络Biological Determinism;biological detemination;Biologismus
  1. 遗传学家对生物决定论的抨击恰如及时雨,人类的本性远比决定论者想象的更加复杂和令人迷惑。

    The assault on biological determinism that geneticists have now triggered will be timely , and that human nature is a lot more complex and intriguing than determinists have given it credit for .

  2. 20世纪关于女性心理发展的研究出现了一种转向。心理学领域对女性心理发展的传统描述是强调女性的发展落后于男性、坚持一种生物决定论,并以男性的标准度量女性的发展。

    Traditionally , psychologists who held the biological determinism and male standards considered the difference in female psychological development to be responsible for what they saw as female development failure .

  3. 在提出和建立自己的性理论过程中,女性主义首先对以往伦理学中的性生物决定论提出挑战,强调性的社会构成和政治意义,以及女性的性主体地位。

    By stressing the social and political form of sexuality , feminist ethics sets up female position in sexuality .

  4. 本文旨在揭示这些理论的发展,并总结出了六种语言性别理论:生物决定论、缺陷论、支配论、差异论、社团实践论和表演论。

    In addition to revealing the evolution of those theories , this essay has summed up other six theories of linguistic gender : bio-decision theory , defect theory , control theory , difference theory , the theory of mass-organizational practice , and performance theory .

  5. 希尔伯特的可判定性问题,并不是指物理、化学,或生物细胞的决定论。

    It was not the determinism of physics , or chemistry , or of biological cells , that was involved in Hilbert 's question about decidability .