
  • 网络social me
  1. 自我传播是指存在于一个人身上的主我与客我之间的信息交流活动。

    Ego transmission refers to the activity of information exchange between ego and self .

  2. 一个这样的定制是加州西海岸海关,同一公司著名的原始定义皮条客我骑系列。

    One such customizer is California 's West Coast Customs , the same company made famous on the original MTV Pimp my ride series .

  3. 性能国内先进,品种稀特全,质量永争上乘,利益客我共分。

    Nationally advanced performance , full varieties including rare and special ones , trying always to get a first-rate quality , enjoying mutually shared benefit .

  4. 维亚康姆还建立网上虚拟世界的配合它的几个电视节目,如“拉古纳滩”和“皮条客我国换乘”。

    Viacom has also created online virtual worlds that tie in with several of its television programmes , such as " Laguna Beach " and " Pimp My Ride " .

  5. 课程传播的心理机制实际上是传播学中的内向传播过程,即知识与信息在学习者的主我(I)与客我(Me)之间传播的过程。

    The mental mechanism of curriculum communication is in fact the inward communication process in communication studies , namely , the communication of knowledge and information between leaner as I and learner as Me .

  6. 电视节目主持人形象传播的动态过程,就是客我与主我相互作用下所显现的讯息的双向传播过程。

    The dynamic process of " the presenter image propagation of a television program " is regarded as a bidirectional propagation process of the message presented by the reciprocity between " me " and " I " .

  7. 利用建议诱导,关切诱导、顺从诱导、环境诱导等方法改善旅游者的言行,促进客我关系良性发展,以达到提高服务质量,增强服务效果的目的。

    Or employ proposal induction , affectionate induction , accommodating induction , environmental induction and other methods to improve the tourists ' behavior , facilitate the development of ideal agent-client interaction so as to improve the tourism services and enhance the effect of the service .

  8. 我叫XXX,我是一个背包客。我非常热爱旅行。

    My name is XXX , I am a backpacker , I love travelling .

  9. 妈,有个皮条客把我的糖全拿走了什么?

    Mom , some pimp took all our candy . What ?

  10. 我没想到会有客,我真是困惑不解。

    I wasn 't expecting a visitor . I was really thrown .

  11. 外国背包客:我是一个来自美国的背包客。

    Foreign back-packer : I 'm a back-packer from America .

  12. 她的皮条客是我的一个合伙人。

    Her pimp is an associate of mine .

  13. 你好啊,今天借着这个搏客,我终于有机会写下我们之间的故事。

    Ming , Today , I borrow this blog , writing my stroy in here .

  14. 我是个贩卖美的商人、推销歌曲的贾客。我追求的是实效。

    I am a beauty-merchant , a trader in song , and I pursue utility .

  15. 让跟着我的皮条客杀我。

    To the pimp that followed .

  16. 客给我和这位女士拿一个绿豆沙、一听粒粒橙。

    Guest A Green Bean Sha and a snappy orange drink for this lady and me .

  17. 我是纽约客,我生于此住于此

    I 'm , you know ... I 'm a New Yorker . You know , I was born here . This is my home .

  18. 这可不行,她后来对英国《卫报》说:“我是个纽约客。我对他说:‘咱们回家吧。’”

    She wasn 't having it , she once told The Guardian : " I 'm a New Yorker . I was like , ' Let 's go home . " "

  19. 他教会我,永远不要对你不认识的人有任何的预设立场。在2005年七月的一个星期二早上,炸弹客跟我,不期而遇地同时踏上了同一台火车车厢,我们离彼此才几步远。

    He taught me to never presume anything about anyone you don 't know . On a Thursday morning in July 2005 , the bomber and I , unknowingly , boarded the same train carriage at the same time , standing , apparently , just feet apart .

  20. 有客来访使我有了可早点走的借口。

    The visit will give me an excuse for leaving early .

  21. 你们俩宅客打算把我关到啥时候?

    So how long do you nerds expect to keep me locked up ?

  22. 5月3日以前我们实际上都已客满,不过我会考虑的。

    We 're practically full up until may3rd , but I 'll see .

  23. 客岁的炎天我碰到一个男孩。

    Last summer I met a boy .

  24. 把住客名单拿来给我。

    Get me the guest list .

  25. 欢迎常来我家坐客记着加我好友关注啊!

    Welcome to my home , Remember to make friends with me and pay attention to me .

  26. 噢,5月6日旅馆客满,不过我可以在5日给您订一间。

    Well , the hotel is full for may6th , but I can book you one for the5th .

  27. 这个人有他特别吸引人的地方,笑客可掬,因此我也就不去计较了。

    There was something so magnetic about the man and so disarming about his smile that I didn 't care .

  28. 他没有请旁的女客,今天多我一个人,少我一个人,全无关系。

    He did n 't invite any other woman , so whether I go or not wo n 't make any difference .

  29. 我不知如何使她开心也不知如何减轻我的损失一位腰缠万贯的恩客他给了我

    I had no idea how to make her happy , no idea how to mitigate my losses . A very wealthy patron , he offered me

  30. 在享用了正宗的印度料理(我的管家来自尼泊尔)之后,我邀请我的客人们参观了我的住所并一齐分享了我的画作及收藏。

    After the delicious Indian cuisine by my Nepali servant I invited my guests to visit the house and shared with them some of my paintings and collections .