
  • 网络client application
  1. 利用WEB服务实现智能客户端应用

    Making Use of the WEB Services Realizes Smart Client Application

  2. Web浏览器是一种常用的客户端应用程序。

    Web browser is a commonly used client application .

  3. Web客户端应用程序性能测试自动化研究

    Automated Performance Testing of the Web Clients

  4. 导入Web服务客户端应用程序

    Import the Web service client application

  5. 客户端应用程序调用Web服务,这称为客户端拦截。

    A client application invokes a Web service , which is referred to as a client-side interception .

  6. 单击AddReference按钮,确认客户端应用程序的引用。

    Click the Add Reference button to confirm this reference for our client application project .

  7. 然而,B/S模式不能解决所有客户端应用问题。

    However , B / S model can 't solve all the problems of Client applications .

  8. 该描述提供了允许客户端应用程序调用您的Web服务所必需的所有信息。

    This description provides all of the information necessary for allowing client applications to invoke your Web service .

  9. 这种情况也将提供一个例子,说明一个客户端应用程序将消耗此Web服务。

    This scenario will also provide an example of how a client application would consume this Web service .

  10. 客户端应用程序与服务之间的这种协作对于基于REST的Web服务中的无状态性极为重要。

    This collaboration between client application and service is essential to being stateless in a RESTful Web service .

  11. 例如,在构建(building)状态期间,可以在用户的工作站上使用一个瘦客户端应用程序来捕获费用申领。

    For example , during the building state a thick client application on the user 's workstation may be capturing the claim .

  12. 作为客户端应用程序,WebSphereApplicationServer能够区分数据库失败和接管情况。

    As a client application , WebSphere Application Server has the capability to distinguish between a database failure verses a takeover situation .

  13. 此导出接收由JMS客户端应用程序发送的SOAP消息。

    This export receives SOAP messages sent by a JMS client application .

  14. AJAX客户端应用模型改进方案研究。

    It has study the improved solution of Ajax client-side application model .

  15. 客户端应用层用VISUALBASIC语言开发,数据处理层以Access数据库为基础。

    The application layer of the client terminal is developed by Visual Basic , while the data processing layer is based on the Access database .

  16. 查询表是一个有用的附加特性,已在WebSphereProcessServer中使用,可以用于任何客户端应用程序。

    Query tables are a helpful addition to the features already available in WebSphere Process Server that you can leverage in all custom applications .

  17. 虽然我们所讨论的多数信息都专注于服务器端,但ProjectZero也简化了客户端应用程序的创建。

    Even though much of the information we have discussed has focused on the server side , Project Zero also facilitates client-side application creation .

  18. 通常大型的XML数据库包含有客户端应用程序不需要的、大量复杂的、互相纠缠的XML文档。

    Often , large XML databases can contain a large variety of complex , interrelated XML documents that a client application doesn 't need .

  19. 本实现对利用DB&Library进行SqlServer客户端应用的开发工作具有重要的参考价值。

    This implement gives important reference values to the development work of the client part for SQL Server using DB & Library .

  20. 使用一个iPhone进行web浏览比较容易,但是要获得最佳用户体验,一个完全客户端应用程序更可取。

    Web browsing with an iPhone is easy , but for a better user experience a full-client application solution is more desirable .

  21. 与会话Bean和实体Bean不同,消息驱动的Bean不会由其他Bean或客户端应用程序调用。

    Unlike session and entity beans , message-driven beans are not invoked by other beans or client applications .

  22. 客户端应用能够通过使用应用对象键(applicationobjectkeys)或者持续查询(continuousqueries)来注册订阅数据中心(缓存服务器集群)的数据。

    Client applications can subscribe to data in the fabric ( cache server cluster ) by registering interest using application object keys or using continuous queries .

  23. 仅仅作为DataWebServices公开存储过程还不足以向客户端应用程序提供在业务上下文中运行这些Web服务所需的逻辑。

    You will notice that exposing stored procedures as Data Web Services alone does not provide client-side application logic that is required to run these Web services in a business context .

  24. 灵活的架构(Flexiblearchitecture)Eclipse的应用范围很广,从嵌入式系统到富客户端应用、再到工具、服务器端。

    Flexible architecture-Eclipse is used in a great number of different scenarios from embedded systems to rich client applications to tooling to server side .

  25. 为Username令牌创建客户端应用程序策略集

    Creating the service-side application policy set for the Username Token

  26. 将这些类以及客户端应用程序代码放置在独立WAR文件中,这将引用为客户端WAR。

    You put these classes , along with your client application code , into a separate WAR file , which will be referred to as the client WAR .

  27. 使用vb.net开发FTP客户端应用程序

    Developing FTP client application by vb . net

  28. 现在,您可以运行客户端应用程序并访问为默认URL提供程序定义的URL资源。

    You can now run the application client and access the URL resources defined for the default URL provider .

  29. 回馈到达客户端应用后,将由RMS接收。

    The RMS will pick this up before it gets to the client application .

  30. 若要使windows窗体在com客户端应用程序中正确工作,必须在windows窗体消息循环上运行该窗体。

    To make a windows form work correctly from a com client application , you must run it on a Windows Forms message loop .