
  • 网络Application Server;App Server;Tomcat
  1. 介绍了基于Web的应用服务器的整体构架;

    Have described the whole framework of application server base on web .

  2. Web应用服务器可扩展名字服务的设计和实现

    The Design and Implementation of Extensible Naming Service in Web Application Server

  3. Web应用服务器:新一代中间件

    Web Application Servers : The New Generation of Middlewares

  4. WebFrame:一种多层次可扩展的Web应用服务器

    WebFrame : An Extensible Multi-layer Web Application Server

  5. Web应用服务器的适应性失效检测

    Adaptive Failure Detection in Web Application Server

  6. Web应用服务器研究综述

    A Survey on Web Application Servers

  7. Web应用服务器的技术探讨

    Analysis of Web Application Technology

  8. 本文围绕上述问题,探讨了Web应用服务器集群通信系统的设计与实现。

    This thesis focuses on these problems and studies the design and implementation of web application server cluster communication system .

  9. 一个基于J2EE的应用服务器SynchroWeb的设计

    The design of Synchro Web an application server based on J2EE

  10. WebSphere应用服务器提供了一个这种解决方法的例子。

    The WebSphere Application Server offers one example of this workaround .

  11. 可靠的集群通信系统为Web应用服务器集群在高负载条件下满足性能需求提供了基础。

    Reliable cluster communication system provides the infrastructure for web application server cluster to satisfy the performance requirements in high load environment .

  12. 该系统对Java应用服务器的正确操作和完整性提供了增强的保证。

    The increased assurance of correct system operation and the integrity of Java application server are provided .

  13. 该模型在一个J2EE应用服务器上被实现和验证。

    The above model is implemented and validated in a J2EE application server .

  14. J2EE应用服务器事务服务的实现

    The realization of transaction service of J2EE application server

  15. WebSphere应用服务器管理服务可用于身份验证和角色管理。

    WebSphere Application Server administrative services are used for authentication and role management .

  16. 服务提供商还可以完成四件事情:第一,可以对Web应用服务器的最大响应时间和平均响应时间施加限制。

    The provider can also do four things : First , he can impose limits on maximum and average response Web application server times .

  17. 最常见的两种类型是应用服务器和面向消息的中间件(MOM)。

    The two most common types are application servers and message-oriented middleware ( MOM ) .

  18. 在表1中,我们具有五个不同的环境,各个环境分别都包括Web服务器、应用服务器和数据库服务器。

    In Table 1 , we have five different environments , consisting of a Web server , an application server , and a database server .

  19. 如果您想试图影响我们的图像缓存计划,那么您只能触及应用服务器1%到3%的Web请求。

    When you factor in our aggressive image caching plans , you 'll only hit the application server for1 % to3 % of all Web requests .

  20. 您不需要重量级的应用服务器或servlet技术。

    You don 't need heavyweight application servers or servlet technology .

  21. Coldfusion是作为“应用服务器”安装在Web服务器之上的。

    Coldfusion is installed on top of the Web server as the Application Server .

  22. 逐个输入应用服务器的主机名(或者IP地址),随后单击AddNode。

    One at a time , enter the host names ( or IP addresses ) of the application servers , then click Add Node .

  23. EJB组件授权是在MDMServer所在的应用服务器中管理和实施的。

    EJB component authorization is managed and enforced in the application server where the MDM Server is hosted .

  24. 应用服务器或应用程序客户机使用XU连接规则引擎。

    The application server or application client uses the XU to connect to the rule engine .

  25. 集成DCOM和CORBA的应用服务器设计与实现

    Application server of integration of DCOM and CORBA

  26. 该站点更好的通用功能之一是对Java语言工具和产品(应用服务器等)的矩阵式比较。

    One of the better common features of the site are matrix comparisons of Java language tools and products ( application servers , etc. ) .

  27. 该工具可以方便地将Web服务运行时工件打包到一个可部署的WebApplicationArchive(war)中,而后者可以直接部署到应用服务器实例上。

    The tool conveniently packages the Web service runtime artifacts into a deployable Web Application Archive ( war ), which can directly be deployed onto an application server instance .

  28. 此外,使用有状态会话Bean将会再添加一些状态到您的应用服务器上,这也是不好的做法。

    In addition , the use of stateful session beans pushes state to your application server , which is undesirable .

  29. 本文工作主要围绕Web应用服务器的EJB组件对象缓存及其一致性的主要关键技术展开研究。

    The research of this thesis will focus on the key technologies in object cache and consistency of EJB component in web application server .

  30. 多租户服务器可以使用任何现代的J2EEServlet容器,而且还针对WebSphere应用服务器进行了认证。

    Multi-Tenant Server works with any modern J2EE Servlet container and has been certified for the WebSphere Application Server .