
  1. 1050年,欧阳修知应天府,任期过后,欧阳修于1054年奉诏人京,成为翰林学士。

    After a term ( 1050 ) as defense commander of the southern capital of Shangqiu , in Henan Province , he was recalled to the capital in 1054 to become an academician of the Hanlin Academy .

  2. 同年,宋钦宗的弟弟赵构在金国撤军后于应天府(今南京)继承帝位,之后他迁都临安(浙江省杭州西城)。

    In the same year , Zhao Gou , the younger brother of Song Emperor Qinzong , ascended the throne in Yingtianfu ( today 's Nanjing ) after the withdrawal of the Jin troops , and later moved the capital to Lin'an ( western Hangzhou City of Zhejiang Province ) .