
  • 网络History of Chinese Science and Technology;The History of Science and Technology in China;Science and Civilisation in China
  1. 李迪先生与中国科技史

    Professor Li Di and the History of Science and Technology in China

  2. 试论中国科技史研究与人文旅游资源开发

    Research of Chinese Science-technology History and Resources Tap of Human Tourist

  3. 如何正视李约瑟博士的中国科技史研究

    How to Face the SCC of Dr. Joseph Needham Squarely

  4. 当代德国的中国科技史研究

    The Research on the History of Chinese Science and Technology in Contemporary Germany The Good German

  5. 略论中国科技史研究中史料考据的几个问题

    On Some Points of Textual Criticism in the Study of Historical Materials about Science and Technology in Ancient China

  6. 1900~1982年间中国科技史论文的定量分析

    A Quantitative Analysis and Commentary Notes on Research Papers Regarding S & T History of Ancient China Published from 1900 to 1982

  7. 何丙郁先生是海外研究中国科技史的一位著名学者。

    As a celebrated scholar living abroad , Ho Peng Yoke is devoted to the study of history of Chinese science and technology .

  8. 在相当长的一段时期,古代科学技术史是中国科技史研究的主流,近现代科技史则少人问津。

    Study on the history of ancient science and technology has been the main interests of research on Chinese history of science and technology for a long time .

  9. 哲学史家对于道家思想的评价,长期以来各执其说。道家思想与中国科技史的关系,更是莫衷一是。

    The historians of philosophy have long differed in their appraisal of the Taoist school , and even more so with regard to its relationship with the history of science in China .

  10. 中国东北科技史:基本特征与文化意义

    History of Science and Technology of Northeastern China : the Basic Characteristics and Cultural Meanings

  11. 文献计量学对中国古代科技史著作评价的参考&以中国古代物理学史为例

    A Reference to the History of Chinese Science and Technology by Literature Metrology & Taking Chinese Ancient Physics History as an Example

  12. 中国古代科技史研究中,常有一些实质性的错误,产生于影响较大的专著、材与论文之中。

    There are often essential mistakes found in many widespread monographs , textbooks and articles on the study of the history of ancient China 's science and technology .

  13. 被误读为先前阔的中国古代科技史&兼论李约瑟难题的推理前提问题

    A Wrong Read as " An Antecedent Rich " History of the Ancient Chinese Science and Technology : With a Parenthetical Discussion on the Problem about the Premise of the " Puzzle of Joseph Needaham "

  14. 在中国少数民族科技史的研究中,不少人已在自觉或不自觉地应用人类学的研究方法去研究少数民族科技史。

    In Chinese minority scientific history research , anthropological methods are adopted consciously or unconsciously .

  15. 其在中国及世界科技史上的地位是极其崇高的,影响亦是极其深远的。

    It takes extremely lofty position in the Chinese and world science and technology history and its influence is extremely profound .

  16. 进行中国口述科技思想史研究,仅仅依靠文献资料和实物史料是远远不够的,还需要大量运用口述史料。

    The historical documents and historical substantial materials are not enough to study the history of Chinese scientific and technological thought .

  17. 维新派倡导的发展科学技术的新思路,在中国近代科技思想史上是一次认识的飞跃。

    The new trend of thought initiated by the Reformists might be regarded as a leap in the history of ideas on modern science and technology in China .

  18. 中国少数民族科技史的研究十年来有了一定规模的研究机构和研究队伍并取得相当丰硕的科研成果。

    In the past ten years , great achievements have been made in the researches on scientific and technological history for national minorites , and its institution and faculty are in great strength .

  19. 在银川召开的第六届中国少数民族科技史国际研讨会上,以少数民族科技史与西部大开发为主题,讨论了少数民族包括西夏在内的科技史的研究成就。

    On the conference held in Yinchuan , under the theme of exploring west China and history of science and technology of Chinese minorites nationalities , research achievements on this field were discussed .

  20. 少数民族科技史与传统工艺研究的联合与互动&第八届中国少数民族科技史国际会议暨首届中国传统手工艺论坛综述

    Combination and Interaction of the Research on History of Science and Technology and Traditional Craft of Minorities & A Summary of the Eighth International Conference on the History of Science and Technology of Chinese National Minorities and the First Forum on Traditional Chinese Handicrafts

  21. 第八届中国少数民族科技史国际会议暨首届中国传统手工艺论坛于2006年9月21-25日在云南大理白族自治州召开。

    The 8th international conference on the history of science and technology of Chinese national minorities and the 1st forum on traditional Chinese handicrafts was hold in Dali , Yunnan province on Sep 21st to 25th , 2006.More than 100 local and international scholars participated in the conference .

  22. 简论中国古代陶瓷科技发展史

    Brief Discussion on the History of Science and Technology of Ancient Chinese Ceramics

  23. 但在中国思想史和中国科技史上,游艺却几乎被人遗忘,目前尚未见有关于他的专门研究论文和著作。

    But in the Chinese history , You Yi is almost forgotten . At present there is no special research papers and books about him .

  24. 中国1950年代的科学批判,是中国当代科技史研究的一个重要课题,也是中国当代政治史、思想史、文化史和社会史研究的一个重要课题。

    Scientific criticism in 1950s of China is an important research subject of Chinese contemporary scientific and technological history and of contemporary political history , ideological history , cultural history , and social history as well .

  25. 汉代的轮轴工艺,是中国古代车制研究的重要内容,也是中国科技史上的重大课题之一。

    The wheel and axle of the Han Dynasty are an important subject of study for the history of Chinese science and technology .

  26. 我国的科学技术一度领先世界,尤其在先秦时期,中国的科学技术得到了巨大的发展,从而形成了中国科技史上的第一个高峰。

    Especially in the pre-Qin period , it is the first summit in Chinese technology history with the fast development .

  27. 儒家文化究竟对中国古代科技产生了怎样的影响,自五四以来,这就是中国思想史、科技史、社会史共同面临但又悬而未决的问题。

    How did Confucianism influence science and technology in ancient China ?

  28. 该文以何丙郁介入中国科学技术史研究及与李约瑟博士的三次合作为径,以何丙郁在中国科技史研究方面的亲历为维,论述了他在中国科技史研究及组织等方面的成就。

    Based on the main clue of cooperation for three times between He Peng-yoke and Joseph Needham , this paper discusses He 's research experience and organization talent , and his outstanding achievements in the study of Chinese history of science and technology .