
  1. 三结合整合式教学模式探索&《中国近代史纲要》课程教学改革的理论与实践

    Exploration on the Conformity Teaching Mode of " Containing Three-combination " & Theory and Practice of Curriculum Teaching Reform of " Outline of Chinese Modern History "

  2. 《中国近现代史纲要》八环立体教学模式探索

    Exploring the Eight-central-three-dimensional Teaching Model on Modern Chinese History Program

  3. 关于《中国近现代史纲要》教学中若干问题的思考

    A Reflection on the Teaching of The outline of Chinese Modern History

  4. 讲授中国近现代史纲要课的几点体会

    Some Thoughts On Teaching Outline of Chinese Modern History

  5. 中国近现代史纲要课讲授体系探索

    An Exploration of the Teaching System about " Outline of Chinese Modern History "

  6. 立体教学法在《中国近现代史纲要》课程中的应用

    Application of Stereoscopic Teaching Mode in the Summary of Modern & Contemporary History of China

  7. 本文分析了运用网络手段教学《中国近现代史纲要》的必要性、可行性和实效性。

    This paper analyses the necessity , possibility and efficiency of thee-education of this course .

  8. 中国阅读史研究纲要

    The Compendium of China Reading History Research

  9. 论习明纳尔在中国近现代史纲要教学中的运用

    On Utilization of SEMINAR in Teaching of the Outline of Modern and Contemporary History of China

  10. 试论地方史资源在《中国近现代史纲要》教学中的运用&以福州为例

    The Teaching Use of the local history resources in the Course of Modern and Contemporary Chinese History

  11. 析《中国近现代史纲要》对大学生爱国主义的培养和渗透

    On cultivation and infiltration of patriotism on college students of " Outline of Modern Chinese History "

  12. 《中国近现代史纲要》课强化思想政治教育的教学研究与实践

    Teaching Research and Practice of " Outline of Modern History of China " in Strengthening Ideological and Political Education

  13. 中国近现代史纲要教学中的自主性学习研究

    The Research of Autonomous Learning in the Course of the Teaching of " Conspectus of Chinese Modern History "

  14. 关于加强大学历史教育的思考&兼论《中国近现代史纲要》教学实效性

    On Strengthening History Education at the University Also on the Teaching Effectiveness of " Outline of Modern Chinese History "

  15. 新课改背景下《中国近现代史纲要》课程教学的探索与实践

    Exploration and practice on the course instruction of Outline of Chinese Contemporary History under the background of new course reform

  16. 中国近现代史纲要教学与学生政治素质培养

    On the Cultivation of Students ' Political Quality in the Course of " Outline of the History of Modern China "

  17. 数据对比:提高中国近现代史纲要教学效果[英]近代学科分部

    Data Comparison : A Means to Improve the Teaching Quality of the Course Outline of Modern and Contemporary History of China

  18. 在牢记历史中把握未来&高校《中国近现代史纲要》教学研究综述

    Keep History in Mind and Grasp the Future & Study on the Teaching of " Outline of the Chinese Modern History "

  19. 《中国近现代史纲要》是马克思主义理论课程新方案中的基础性课程之一。

    The Outline of Modern Chinese History is one of the basic courses in the new scheme of the Marxist theory curriculum .

  20. 摘要《中国近现代史纲要》是高校“两课”教学中对大学生进行思想政治教育的重要课程之一。

    " An outline of modern Chinese history " is one of the most important courses in University " two lessons " teaching .

  21. 高校弘扬主旋律的重要渠道&略论《中国近现代史纲要》课的开设与功能

    Major Approaches of Promoting and Developing Dominant Ideas in Universities & on the Set-up and Functions of a Concise Outline of Chinese Modern History

  22. 试论影视作品提高中国近现代史纲要课教学效果的运用原则

    Preliminary Discussion on the Practical Principles of the Works of Movie and Television in Teaching of the Summary of Chinese Modern and Contemporary History

  23. 培养历史兴趣,树立唯物史观&关于中国近现代史纲要教学问题的若干思考

    Cultivate History Interest , Set up History View of Materialism & Some Thoughts of Teaching Problem on " An Outline of Modern Chinese History "

  24. 以历史为平台,强化思想政治教育功能&《中国近现代史纲要》课程教学初探

    Strengthening the Function of the Ideological and Political Education with the Platform of History : A Study on the Teaching of Outline of Modern Chinese History Course

  25. 多媒体课件的教学实践,丰富了大学公共理论课-中国近现代史纲要的课堂教学内容,显著改善了教学效果。多方位的感官刺激也极易舍本逐末,适得其反。

    The use of multi-media courseware enriches the teaching of the Outline of Modern Chinese History with teaching effect improved , but it tends to become a mere formality .

  26. 问题教学法与梯度性提升学生问题能力&以《中国近现代史纲要》课程为例

    " Teaching through Questions " and " Improving Step by Step the Students ' Ability of Questioning " & A Case Study of " An Outline History of Modern China "

  27. 从教学语言角度谈高校思政课的课堂互动&以《中国近现代史纲要》课堂教学实践为例

    The Discourse about Class-teaching Intercommunion of Ideological and Political Theory Course in Institution of Higher Learning from the Visual Angle of Teaching Language & Take Class Teaching of " Outline of Chinese Modern History " as the Illustration