
  • 网络eurocentrism;Eurocentric;Eurocentric perspective
  1. 许多学者批评欧洲中心论,致力于建立新的世界史,可是仍未获得显著成绩。

    Many authors endeavor to criticize Eurocentrism and make efforts to establish a new world history , but they have achieved little as yet .

  2. 传统的西方史学常常强调人类中心论和欧洲中心论,而把诸如女性、少数族裔和动物等他者排除在历史的视野之外,呈现出一元论的特征。

    The conventional Western History often underscores Anthropocentrism and Eurocentrism , excluding the Others such as the female , the racial minority and the animal out of the vision of historical writing , displaying the feature of monism .

  3. 欧洲中心论与世界近现代史学科体系构建问题初探

    Euro-Centrism and the Building of Discipline System of the Modern History of the World

  4. 欧洲中心论与世界史研究&兼论世界史研究的中国学派问题

    Euro-Centrism and the Study of World History

  5. 西方的中国人形象自始至终都是西方欧洲中心论的产物。

    The western image of the Chinese people is allalong a result of the Western Euro-centric mentality .

  6. 在世界史研究中,存在着假定前提的欧洲中心论、文化传播的欧洲中心论以及反欧洲中心论的欧洲中心论三种欧洲中心论。

    There are premised , culture diffused , and anti-Eurocentric Euro-centrism in the study of world history .

  7. 数百年前被人们广泛接受的欧洲中心论倾向,出现在了当时的世界史课本中。

    The Europe ental theory came into current world history books which were widly accept hundreds of years ago .

  8. 与同时代抱有“欧洲中心论”偏见的西方学者不同,他接受并向西方介绍非西方传统的数学成就;

    Different from his contemporaries who held Eurocentric view of historiography , he accepted and introduced mathematical contributions of non-western traditions .

  9. 反欧洲中心论史学思想凸显其研究世界史的特色和不同之处,也很有价值与现实意义。

    The anti Eurocentric historiography thought highlights its study world history characteristics and differences , but also very valuable and practical significance .

  10. 第三章是属下对欧洲中心论的颠覆事实。从两个方面进行论述,即非暴力反抗和暴力斗争。

    Chapter Three deals with the fact of Eurocentric subversion by discussing from two aspects , namely , non-violent resistance and violent revolution .

  11. 混沌学中的内在随机性对经济发展道路多样性的启示:欧洲中心论的局限

    The Enlightenment of " Inherent Randomness " of Chaos Theory to the Diversity of Economic Development Paths : Limitation of the Eurocentric Approach

  12. 马克思的世界历史理论不是欧洲中心论,但他并不否认世界历史在其发展过程中在一定的世界历史时代有一个中心。

    Fourth , Marx 's theory isn 't Euro_centrism , but he did not deny there may be some centre in world developmental history .

  13. 然后论述了欧洲中心论在我国的地位和影响,为周谷城提出反欧洲中心论史学思想作铺垫。

    And then discusses the theory in the center of Europe in Chinese status and influence , as Zhou Gucheng proposed anti Eurocentric historiography thought foundation .

  14. 传统的欧洲中心论的切入点存在一个问题,即我们一直在采用的范型&英国历史,是一段奇怪的经历。

    The problem with the classic eurocentric approach is that the archetype that we had been using , the history of England , is a weird experience .

  15. 如果摈弃思想史研究中的欧洲中心论,对中西方文化进行比较研究,将有助于发掘文化遗产;促进文化交流,并增进对世界文化多样性的认识。

    An objective comparative study of Chinese and Western culture , discarding Europocentrism , will be helpful to the promotion of cultural exchange and the understanding of cultural diversity .

  16. 批判欧洲中心论不仅是创建中国学派的理论前提和实践路径,而且有助于中国世界史学界健康积极的心态和生态的生成。

    Criticizing Euro-centrism can not only construct the theoretic presupposition and practical route of Chinese School , but also help create the positive psychology and the environment of Chinese School .

  17. 因此,周谷城的反欧洲中心论史学思想值得进一步挖掘和研究,丰富史学理论,而且为当今中国史学的发展提供借鉴。

    Therefore , further excavation and Research on anti Eurocentric historiography thought worthy of Zhou Gucheng , rich historical theory , but also provides the reference for the development of modern Chinese historiography .

  18. 同时,在继承前人的基础上,他们对于世界史领域的欧洲中心论也分别进行了批判和突破,不过,斯塔夫里阿诺斯并未完全摆脱欧洲中心论的影响。

    Meanwhile , on the basis of their predecessors , they criticize the Euro-Centrism respectively and make a breakthrough . However , Stavrianos had not gotten rid of the influence of the Euro-Centrism thoroughly .

  19. 通过这三章的论述,本论文试图得出如下结论:后殖民时期的欧洲中心论是导致男女主人公悲剧人生的社会根源。

    Through the discussion of the three chapters , this thesis has attempted to draw the following conclusion : In the post-colonial period , Euro-centric discourse is the social root that leads to the tragic life of the hero and heroine .

  20. 更进一步来说,欧洲中心论在观念、价值观上歪曲引导其他国家和地区,认为欧洲在世界史中占绝对的主导地位,蔑视其他文化,这极不利于其他民族和国家的文化发展。

    Furthermore , in the idea , values distorted guide other European countries and regions that European Centre , occupies the absolute dominant position in the world history , contemptuous of other cultures , which is not conducive to other ethnic and national cultural development .

  21. 不论是以黑格尔、韦伯等人为代表的欧洲中心论,还是以弗兰克、彭慕兰等人为代表的中国中心取向,欧洲人认识中国的基本立场其实从未脱离欧洲本位。

    In fact , both the Eurocentric approach with the personage of Hegel and Weber , and the China-centered approach representative of Frank and Pomeranz jointly indicate that the basic stand of the European view on China never disengage from the standard of their own .

  22. 我国当前音乐教育体系和音乐观念中欧洲音乐中心论的阴影依然存在,使多元文化发展和母语音乐文化教育遭遇了一定的阻力。

    Music educational system and music idea of our country , the shadow of European music central theory shill exists now , makes multivariate cultural development and the education of the music of mother tongue culture have encountered certain resistances .

  23. 当前的钢琴教学活动受欧洲古典音乐中心论的影响,存在着忽视民族音乐的倾向。

    Dominated by the partiality for European classical music , many teachers of piano tend to ignore the national music of China .

  24. 欧洲传统科学观从欧洲民族利益出发,认为人类应该有惟一的一种科学理论,而这惟一的科学理论就是欧洲的科学理论,其特点表现为科学欧洲中心论、科学普适性和弱客观性。

    Proceeding from the interests of the European people , the traditional European scientific outlook insists that mankind should have only one kind of scientific theory & the European scientific theory which featured Euro-Centralism in science , scientific universality and weak objectivity .