
  • 网络applied philosophy
  1. 而深入研究应用哲学却是另一件事。

    And it 's another one to get into applied philosophy .

  2. 应用哲学的理论定位

    The Theoretical Positioning on Applied Philosophy

  3. 应用哲学大平衡强调:平衡与不平衡同等重要。

    The Applied Philosophical Balance Theory emphasizes that balance and imbalance are of the same importance .

  4. 现代哲学的价值论转向使应用哲学和应用伦理学的产生成为必要和可能。

    The turning of axiology in modern philosophy makes applied philosophy and applied ethics possible and necessary .

  5. 广义应用哲学是泛指研究一般哲学理论如何应用的理论方法与实践的哲学反思;

    The former means philosophical generalization and summing-up to the universal law and its expression of application in practice with philosophical theory .

  6. 应用哲学研究的基本途径是:要建立哲学与非哲学的广泛联盟;

    The fundamental ways of the research on applied philosophy are : it is imperative to conclude broad alliance between philosophy and non-philosophy ;

  7. 更重要、更新颖的是在应用哲学方面创建了在经济文化落后的国家如何建设社会主义的发展哲学。

    He created " developed philosophy " in the sense that he used Marxist Philosophy to build socialism in economically and culturally poor countries .

  8. 管理哲学是一门应用哲学,是研究管理内在机理进而探析社会存在机理的哲学。

    Application management philosophy is a philosophy , is to study the management of the internal mechanism and thus the mechanism of the philosophy of social existence .

  9. 结合具体的教学实践,分析了家畜生理学教学中应用哲学基本原理进行教学的优势。

    Connecting with the concrete teaching practice , this paper analyzes on the advantages of utilizing the basic philosophical principles in the teaching of the physiology of domestic animal .

  10. 本杰明·内森·卡多佐认为,法官在适用法律的过程中要灵活应用哲学的、历史的、传统的和社会学的和遵循先例等几种方法去解释法律。

    Benjamin · Nathan · Cardozo thought that the judge in the course of the applicable law should interpret the law by philosophy , historical , traditional and sociological approaches flexibly .

  11. 产业哲学的恰当的学科定位是部门哲学,同时具有应用哲学性质,研究主题主要有:产业的元理论问题;产业创新与发展;

    Philosophy of industry is a departmental philosophy , and an applied philosophy , including : meta-theoretical issues , innovation and development , phenomenology , applied studies and thought history of industry .

  12. 哲学是具有其内在的系统性同时又是具有层次性的,哲学基础理论没有民族性的区分,而作为应用哲学层面的哲学是具有民族性的。

    Philosophy has its inherent systemic but it is also layered , philosophical theory is not based on the distinction between nationality , as the application of philosophical philosophy is the national character .

  13. 本文依据物理学事实和物理教学实践经验,结合所搜集的有关文献,应用哲学、心理学、教育学理论,对建构主义理念在中学物理教学中的应用予以思考。

    This thesis bases on the physical facts and the experience of physics teaching , combining with the relative documents on applied philosophy , psychology and pedagogy , it makes an investigation into the influence on physics teaching in middle school that constructivism brings .

  14. 突变理论在土工中应用的哲学基础

    The Philosophical Foundation of The Application of Catastrophe Theory to Soil Engineering

  15. 对西方应用地理学哲学基础的若干思考

    Some Deliberations on the Philosophical Basis of Occidental Applied Geography

  16. 阿司匹林的临床应用与哲学思考

    The Clinic Application and Philosophic Thinking of Aspirin

  17. 但东方社会在应用马克思哲学的过程中也有许多不容回避的经验教训。

    However , in the course of the application of Maxist Philosophy , there are many undeniable experiences and lessons .

  18. 这几章将简洁代码的哲学以集中一致的方式串联在一起,并提供了实用的建议,以便在现实中应用这些哲学。

    These chapters stitch together a cohesive , consistent philosophy of clean code , and provide the pragmatic advice needed to follow that philosophy in practice .

  19. 本文旨在应用马克思哲学&管理哲学理论,阐明建立严密完善审批监督制约机制的重要性。

    In this paper , making use of the Marxist philosophy and Administrative philosophy , I will expound the importance of building a perfect supervision-interaction mechanism of examination and approval .

  20. 信息思维理论的提出,为信息哲学的研究开辟了一个极富价值的新方向.这一方向可能成为一般信息哲学通向应用信息哲学分支领域以及应用信息科学领域的中介性桥梁。

    It is a new research direction of information philosophy and may become the bridge which connect the general information philosophy with the applied information philosophy and the applied information science .

  21. 文中首先对现象学相关理论和发展脉络进行总结,分析现象学在建筑学领域应用的哲学基础,并讨论现象学与建筑学的联系。

    In this paper , the phenomenological theory and development summary , analysis of phenomenological philosophy based on the application in the field of architecture , and discuss the relationship of phenomenology and architecture .

  22. 为深入探讨材料科学理论,研究钢中的相变机制,应用科技哲学的观点分析论述了钢的系统自组织特性。

    In order to study the phase transformation mechanism of steel and to question the material science theory deeply , the method of science and technology philosophy was used to analyze and discuss the self organization property of steel in this paper .

  23. 食品添加剂应用问题的哲学思考

    Philosophical Considerrations about Food Additives ' Application

  24. 应用伦理学的哲学背景

    The Philosophical Context of Applied Ethics

  25. 这些思想在时代的包装下演化成应用性部门哲学&发展哲学。

    These ideas decorated by the era have evolved to be a kind of department philosophy & Development Philosophy .

  26. 近年来,虚拟现实技术和应用引起了哲学界的关注。

    Over the recent years , the technique and the application of virtual reality have attracted the attention of philosophical circles .

  27. 创设理论应用情景,开拓哲学课程教学的新局面&哲学课程多媒体组合电化教学的实践与探索

    Teaching philosophy with multi media : Practice and research

  28. 它是日本人生活的规范和寄托,是应用化了的哲学,是艺术化了的生活。

    It is the criterion of Japanese life , the application of philosophy , the life of art .

  29. 他认识到他有责任通过在生存问题上应用逻辑学从而使哲学从天上回到人间。

    He realized that his responsibility was to bring philosophy down to earth by applying logic to the problems of living .

  30. 应用正确的经营哲学将企业引向发展壮大之路的成功范例当属日本京都陶瓷公司。

    One successful example on correctly applying the philosophy on business operation to development is the Kyoto Ceramics Company in Japan .