
  • Memento
  1. 十多年前,他凭借一部惊世骇俗的《记忆碎片》从私密的独立电影走向了商业超级巨制,并取得了空前成功。

    More than a decade ago , he turned himself from private independent films to the super commercial movies with a shocking masterpiece " Memento " . Then he got unprecedentedly success .

  2. 在《追随》、《记忆碎片》、《致命魔术》中都有突出表现,一幕幕呈现的场景引发了观众产生当时究竟发生了什么的疑问。

    This is most notable in Following , Memento and The Prestige where scenes are shown out of sequence , often causing the viewer to question what is really happening in the story .

  3. 记忆碎片是一部上映于2000年的美国心理悬疑片,克里斯托弗·诺兰是这部新黑色电影的导演兼编剧。

    Memento is a 2000 American psychological thriller and neo-noir film written and directed by Christopher Nolan .

  4. 福克纳在重新整和、组织这些记忆碎片的同时,表现了各个人物不同的思维方式和迥异的性格。

    During the process of reorganizing these fragmented narrations , Faulkner demonstrates different personalities of various characters and their different ways of thinking .

  5. 这一幅作品,名字叫做《三天后,雅克布关于洪荒世界的若干记忆碎片之一》,在这幅画中,我描画了一个昆虫,一些植物,还有一些天体。

    The first work is'Three Days Later , Jacob Catching a Number of Memory Fragments on Foreworld ' . in this painting , I mainly drew an insect , some plants , and many celestial bodies .

  6. 这是发自他内心的情感表述,你在他的心里已刻下了一个烙印,无论以后怎样,他的生命里永远有你的一个记忆碎片。

    This is the hair endocentric the emotion from him expressed , you had already engraved in his in the mind under a branding , regardless later how , have you forever in his life of a memory fragment .

  7. 活在当下,而非沉迷记忆的碎片。

    Live for the moment , not for the memories .

  8. 捡起记忆的碎片,编制起来。

    To weave by picking up the pieces that remain .

  9. 留下的只有记忆的碎片,随风而飘。

    But the memory , with floating debris .

  10. 青春的激情燃烧着记忆的碎片,温暖的心跳清除着感动的泪水。

    Memories of youthful passion burning debris removal with a warm heart touched by the tears .

  11. 在我手中,握着记忆的碎片,我能听到你在呼唤我的名字。

    In my hands , A legacy of memories . I can hear your say my name .

  12. 我抛弃了所有关于生活和记忆的碎片,惊奇的感受着每一个微妙的变化。

    I left all the fragments of life and memories behind and felt every subtle change with surprise .

  13. 这种情形不是经常发生的,但那天晚上我非常感激,我不必抵御杂七杂八的漂浮残物:新近记忆的碎片,未竟之事的信物,或者性渴求的可怖残骸。

    I didn 't have to defend myself against the usual flotsam , the scraps of recent memory , the tokens of things-not-done , or ghostly wrecks of sexual longing .

  14. 每次从梦中惊醒,都是童年记忆的碎片中,但每次梦都不带颜色,场景总是灰暗的,就象小时看的黑白电视。

    Every time awakened from a dream , are fragments of childhood memories , but not every dream with color , the scene is always dark , as she watched the black and white TV .

  15. 空间所表达的是人与人之间的情感,是经验的积累,记忆的碎片,空间在时间的长廊上游离,时间也在空间中留下印迹。

    Space expresses the human emotion . It is the accumulation of experience and the debris of memory . Space goes for a stroll in the corridor of Time on free , and Time also leaves print in the Space .

  16. 我开始将记忆的拼图碎片拼在一起,并想清楚下一次可以如何改变。

    I start to put the pieces of the puzzle together and figure out how I can change things next time .

  17. 对他自己的赋予新肉体吃惊,当他仍然是人们通常呼叫的一种实体时,除了他的记忆的打破的碎片他没有知道关于环境的任何东西:“人类”。

    Amazed by his own reincarnation , he knows nothing about the surroundings except for the broken shards of his memory when he was still a kind of entity that people usually called : " Human Being " .

  18. 我们的大脑会重新排列并评估白天的事务,促进新的记忆形成,清空记忆碎片。

    Our brains are reordering and assessing the day 's events , working to promote new memory formations , and cleaning up debris . Turning off our mind   -

  19. 也不禁思绪飘飞,尘封的记忆被打开,我拾起记忆的碎片,回到那段我难以忘怀的时光。

    Can not help but have thoughts dust-laden memories of being open , I picked up the fragments of memory , I remembered back to that period of time .

  20. 故事将营造关于时间、空间和记忆的脑力游戏,诺兰在过去的多部电影(从《记忆碎片》到《盗梦空间》)中都将这一游戏玩得炉火纯青。

    And the story plays mind games with time , space and memory as Nolan has done so brilliantly in films from Memento to Inception .