
jì pǔ fǎ
  • tablature;musical notation
  1. 五线谱、简谱记谱法的差异性

    The Differences of Noting Score of Staff and Numbered Musical Notation

  2. 本文从记谱法角度阐述了对音乐教育的改革,其结果是使更多的人能接受更深层次的音乐教育。并据此分析了这种音乐教育改革对体育的影响。

    The reformation of musical education is explained from a new viewpoint of musical notation , of which the effect on the physical education is analyzed besides .

  3. 中国传统音乐记谱法特点初探

    A Preliminary Enquiry into the Peculiarities of Chinese Traditional Systems of Music Notation

  4. 螺旋输送机叶片下料法谈记谱法的螺旋演进

    The Processing Method of the Spiral Conveyor Leaf

  5. 音乐记谱法是指音符通用书写方法。

    Music notation is a general term to describe the writing down of music .

  6. 论音乐记谱法的演进与发展

    On the Evolution and Development of Notation

  7. 追寻新音乐的足迹&《现代记谱法教程》评述

    Review On the Course of Modern Notation

  8. 谈记谱法的螺旋演进

    The Spiral Development of Notation

  9. 记谱法就是这条河里的一条涓涓细流,它从这条河里诞生,也将随着这条河流向远方。

    Then the notation is one part of it . It stems from the river and flows forward with it .

  10. 尤其是记谱法、复调音乐的产生和管风琴的发明,对后来西方各个时期音乐的发展起到了举足轻重的作用。

    The invention of music notation , polyphony and pipe organ counts for much to the development of Western music of all times .

  11. 课程将探讨独奏乐器在敬拜团队中所扮演的角色,并介绍吉他和弦及其记谱法。

    This lesson examines the role of the solo instrument in a worship team and introduces participants to contemporary chords and contemporary chord notation .

  12. 他对二胡、琵琶等民族乐器进行改良,对传统的记谱法进行革新,更是有利于传统音乐的传承和发展。

    His improvement in Erhu ﹑ Pipa and other national instruments and the innovation to the traditional notation are conducive to the inheritance and development of traditional music .

  13. 本文是对青年学者童昕阐释现代记谱法的专著《现代记谱法教程》(湖南文艺出版社2003年4月第1版)所写的书评。

    The article was a book review on the Course of Modern Notation by Tong Xin , which published by Hu ' nan Art Publishing House in 2003 .

  14. 《纳西象形文字谱》的异体字及相关问题乐谱,印刷,或手写,用任何一种记谱法(例如首调唱名法,五线谱记谱法,简谱法,盲字记谱法)

    The Variants in Naxi Pictograph Character Chart ; music printed or written in any system of notation ( e.g. , tonic sol-fa , staff notation , numerical symbol , braille )

  15. 在攻读神学著作的同时,他还有一项爱好,就是想把在教堂音乐和通奏低音记谱法方面的粗浅技巧发展起来,能达到相当准确地按谱合乐参加合唱的水平。

    As a hobby , auxiliary to his readings in Divinity , he developed his slight skill in church-music and thorough-bass , till he could join in part-singing from notation with some accuracy .

  16. 第一章为力度的概述,包括力度的物理特性、音乐中力度的绝对性和相对性、力度的记谱法、力度在音乐中的意义、力度运用的历史概况。

    The first chapter is a general discussion on dynamic , including its physical features , its absoluteness and relativity in music , its tablature , its meaning in music and the history of its application .

  17. 采用电导仪连接记录仪,建立了一种测定水溶性高分子电解质溶解速度的精确方法&电导毫伏输出记谱法,测定偏差±5%。

    A precision device based on the conductance millivolt input notation method , connecting an electrical conductometer to a recorder , and with a deviation of ± 5 % is established for the determination of the rate of dissolution of water-soluble polymeric electrolyte .

  18. 文章共分三个部分,在第一部分着重介绍了记谱与记谱法。

    The article altogether divides three parts , the first part introduced in notation and transcription .