
  • 网络system of record;recording systems;AVRS
  1. 这些数据必须保存到一个记录系统中。

    This data has to be saved to a system of record .

  2. 请考虑一下缺少权威性的可信的数据源或单一记录系统,会怎么样?

    Consider the lack of an authoritative , trusted source or single system of record as an illustrative example .

  3. 基于WEBService的公路车辆监测记录系统的研究及实现

    Research and implementation on Web Service-based monitoring and recording system of vehicles on highways

  4. 基于多Agent的高层体系结构分布式数据记录系统研究

    Research on HLA distributed data collection system based on multi-agent

  5. 基于LabView的神经肌肉电刺激与记录系统

    Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation and Recording System Based on Lab - VIEW

  6. 动态pH值监测记录系统的研制

    The Development of a Measuring and Recording System for Dynamic pH Value

  7. B船站考核评估和记录系统的设计与实现

    B SES Assessing and Recording System

  8. 基于DSP的多功能数字语音记录系统

    Multi - purpose Digital Speech Recording System Based on DSP

  9. 视频监控记录系统的DSP实现

    Realization of Video Monitor - Record System with DSP

  10. 基于DSP航空通信信息记录系统的设计与实现

    Design and achieved of Aviation Recorder systems of communication data Based on DSP

  11. 基于PCIExpress总线和FPGA的SAR回波数据实时记录系统

    SAR echo data real-time recording system based on PCI express and FPGA

  12. 基于ARM微处理器的故障记录系统

    Mistake Record System Based on ARM MPU

  13. 用于机载三线阵CCD相机三维立体摄影的高速数据记录系统

    High-speed Data Acquisition System for Airborne Three Linear Array CCD Camera for Three-dimensional Photographing

  14. Linux下串行通信的实现及其在机载视频记录系统中的应用

    Implementation of the serial communication based on Linux and its application in airborne video recording system

  15. 基于FPGA的ultraDMA数据记录系统

    Ultra DMA Data Recording System Based on FPGA

  16. VC++和SqlServer2000实现的卷材数据记录系统的研究

    Research for the Coiling Data Register System Realized by VC + + and SQL Server 2000

  17. 结论DVD全程数码记录系统是一种在腔镜手术中很实用的图、文记录和处理系统。

    Conclusions OFR is a practical record system for endoscopic surgery .

  18. ISP技术在机车瞬间故障记录系统中的应用

    Application of ISP Technique in Locomotive Transient Fault Recorder

  19. 在企业边缘应用SOA对合约系统与记录系统之间的交互提供了广泛控制。

    Applying SOA at the edge of the enterprise provides broad-based control of the interaction between systems of engagement and systems of record .

  20. 这个GUI本身是管理大型公司员工记录系统的前端。

    The GUI itself will be the front end of a system that manages employee records for a large corporation .

  21. 基于SD卡的低功耗多通道内记系统设计多道火花发生器记录系统,最近开始已在浅层勘测中应用。

    Development of Low-power-consumption Multicenter Internal Recorder System Based on SD Card Multichannel sparker recording has recently come into use for shallow-penetration .

  22. 介绍了一种使用MSP430单片机设计的动态心电图记录系统。

    A dynamic electrocardiogram record system based on MSP430 SCM is developed in this paper .

  23. DB2更新当前表中的行并将旧行的副本移动到历史表中,记录系统时间起始值和结束值。

    DB2 updates the row in the current table and moves a copy of the old row to the history table , recording the system time start and end values .

  24. 大多数决策服务需要通过推断历史数据来制定决策;这些数据没有在Coaches中定义,而是保存在一个记录系统中。

    Most decision services may need historical data to infer decisions ; that data is not defined in the Coaches but is saved in a system of records .

  25. 注册MDM解决方案模式:构建至少一个骨架主数据系统,从而提供支持实时引用访问的记录系统。

    Registry MDM solution pattern : At least a skeleton master data system is build to provide a system of record for a real-time reference access .

  26. 基于工控机、数据采集器、Visualc/C++编程语言的软硬件基础,本文开发研制了电站监测与记录系统,经运行实践表明该系统方便实用、扩展灵活。

    This paper exploits a monitoring and recording system of power plant , based on industry control computer , data collecting equipment and Visual C programming language . It is proved that the system has advantages of good function and easy operation .

  27. SD-1型数字大地电磁记录系统

    Model SD-1 digital MT recording system

  28. 根据硬盘的工作原理,结合ATA标准,在分析现有图像记录系统的基础上,提出了一种由FPGA直接控制硬盘实现实时图像无损记录的存储技术。

    According to operating principle of hard disk and combining with ATA standards , a storage technology for real-time image recording without loss implemented by FPGA directly control hard disk is proposed .

  29. VDR系统中的雷达图像记录系统用于采集雷达的图像信号,经压缩后再将数据传送到存储器存储。

    The radar image acquisition module of VDR system can record the radar image of ships . The image will be compressed and saved to Flash .

  30. 第一章主要讨论当前VDR系统的发展概况以及船载雷达图像记录系统的作用,并指出了VDR系统对于国际航海安全的重要意义。

    Charper one gives a survey of the moderm VDR system development , and points out the signification of VDR system for the safety of international maritime .