
  • 网络the second berlin crisis
  1. 论第二次柏林危机(1958&1963)

    The Second Berlin Crisis ( 1958-1963 )

  2. 然而在第二次柏林危机及古巴导弹危机后,美苏关系逐渐趋于缓和,联邦德国僵硬的东方政策在这一大背景下显得越发的孤立。

    But after the second Berlin Crisis and the Cuban missile crisis , the US gradually established a detente with the Soviet Union . In this background , the rigid eastern policies of the Federal Republic of Germany were becoming more and more isolated .

  3. 因袭与微调:肯尼迪政府第二次柏林危机政策的形成

    The formation of Kennedy administration 's policy of the second Berlin crisis

  4. 第二次柏林危机期间,阿登纳政府与西方盟国特别是与美国和英国之间,在解决危机问题上出现了分歧。

    During the Berlin Crisis , the Adenauer Administration held different views over eliminating the crisis from Western Alliance , especially from US and UK .