
  • 网络Fourth Republic
  1. 二战后,第四共和国成立。

    After World War II , the Fourth Republic was established .

  2. 它葬送了安东尼?艾登的英国首相职位,以及他的成果,通过暴露法兰西第四共和国的弱点,它也加速了夏尔?戴高乐的法兰西第五共和国的到来。

    It cost the British Prime minister , Anthony eden , his job and , by showing up the shortcomings of the Fourth Republic in france , hastened the arrival of the Fifth Republic under Charles de gaulle .

  3. 第四条中华人民共和国毗连区为领海以外邻接领海的一带海域。

    Article 4 The contiguous zone of the People 's Republic of China is the sea belt adjacent to and beyond the territorial sea .

  4. 第四条中华人民共和国境内地下、内水和领海中遗存的一切文物,属于国家所有。

    Article 4 All cultural relics remaining underground or in the inland waters or territorial seas within the boundaries of the People 's Republic of China shall be owned by the state .