
dì yī guó jì
  • the First International;the First International of 1864-1875
第一国际 [dì yī guó jì]
  • [the First In ternational of 1864-1875] 即国际工人协会。无产阶级的第一个国际性组织,1864年成立,1876年宣告解散

第一国际[dì yī guó jì]
  1. 第一国际迁到美国后的活动

    Activities of the First International after its Moving to the U.S.A

  2. 巴黎公社起义失败后仅仅两天,马克思就向第一国际总委员会宣读了他的名著《法兰西内战》。

    Only two days after the fall of the Paris Commune , Marx read out to the General Council of the First International his famous work The Civil War in France .

  3. NH第一国际公司创立�

    Founder , NH Prima International Sdn Bd

  4. 由第一国际资源组织进行统计分析,但这份调查只针对听过大屠杀传闻的人。只有三分一的世界人口相信大屠杀是真实存在于历史资料中。

    But that figure speaks to only those who have heard of it : Only a third of the world 's population believe the genocide has been accurately described in historical accounts .

  5. 这种乐意包容的精神,这种乐意接纳源自四方的精神,恰好解释了英语词汇丰富的现象,解释了英语在很大程度上成为真正第一国际语言的原因。

    That happy tolerance , that willingness to accept words from anywhere , explains the richness of English and why it has become , to a very real extent , the first truly global language .

  6. 泛美航空公司开通了第一条国际定期航班线路。

    Pan Am inaugurated the first scheduled international flight .

  7. 中国国际航空股份有限公司(AirChinaLtd.,简称:中国国航)第一季度国际客运收入增长19%,略低于竞争对手中国南方航空股份有限公司(ChinaSouthernAirlinesCo.,简称:南方航空)22%的增幅。

    At flag carrier Air China Ltd. , international passenger revenue rose 19 % during the period , slightly below the 22 % jump at rival China Southern Airlines Co.

  8. 曾被迫向国际货币基金组织(imf)寻求财务支持的匈牙利政府,本月发行了自2008年6月以来的第一笔国际债券。

    Hungary , which was forced to turn to the International Monetary Fund for financial support , this month launched its first international bond since June 2008 .

  9. 2000年11月20日至22日在德国法兰克福举办了第一届国际性的健康食品配料展(HIE)。

    The first international health food additive exhibition ( HIE ) has been held on 20 - 22 November , 2000 at Frankfurt , Germany .

  10. 1948年,Toms在第一届国际流变学会议上,发表了关于高聚物的减阻实验结果。

    Toms published the paper about the drag-reducing experimental results of high polymer in the first international conference in 1948 .

  11. 松下(Panasonic)宣布将向派往中国的员工发放津贴,以补偿严重污染对他们的危害,成为开此先河的第一家国际公司。

    Panasonic is the first international company to announce it will pay employees it sends to China a premium to compensate for dangerous levels of pollution .

  12. 我见到的第一个国际LeanInCircle互助小组就是在北京&一群年轻的职业女性聚集在一起,支持彼此的职业理想并挑战剩女这个称谓。

    The first international Lean In Circle I ever met with was in Beijing & a group of young professional women who gathered to support each other 's professional ambitions and challenge the idea of " shengnu ," leftover women .

  13. 直到2005年12月,国际标准化组织(ISO)和国际电工委员会(IEC)共同发布了ISO/IEC20000标准,IT服务管理领域第一个国际标准诞生了。

    In December 2005 , the first international standard for IT service administration , ISO / IEC 20000 , was announced by International Organization for Standardization ( ISO ) and International Electrotechnical Commission ( IEC ) .

  14. 随着1973年,第一届国际被害人学研讨会(TheInternationalSymposiumonVictimology)在以色列耶路撒冷的召开,关于被害人、被害人学以及被害人与犯罪人的关系等问题开始引起各国的广泛关注。

    As in 1973 , the First International Symposium of victims ( The International Symposium on Victimology ) held in Jerusalem in Israel , on the victims , victimology and victims of crime and other issues of human relations has begun to attract national attention .

  15. Betterday作为第一个国际认可的发展中国家「公平贸易」品牌,已有鲜明形象。

    Betterday has already made its mark as the first internationally licensed Fair Trade brand located in a developing country .

  16. 作为AKC-GS的第一个国际客户,NGKC的目标是发展其注册体系,提升中国纯种犬福利以及推广中国纯种犬运动,最终演变成世界顶级注册系统之一。

    As AKC-GS first international client , NGKC 's goal is to develop its registry , advance the welfare and the sport of purebred dogs in China , and to evolve into one of the world 's top registries .

  17. 其后,1851年在巴黎召开了第一届国际卫生会议。

    This led to the first International Sanitary Conference in Paris in1851 .

  18. 第一届国际射击联盟世界锦标赛于1970年举行。

    The first International Shooting Union World Championships were held in 1970 .

  19. 十月十五日星期三,是第一个国际洗手日。

    Wednesday , October fifteenth , is the first Global Handwashing Day .

  20. 牦牛科学发展的现状与趋势&记第一届国际牦牛研究学术讨论会

    Present Status and the Trend of Development in Yak Science

  21. 第一次国际和平会议一百周年庆典之友

    Friends of the centennial of the first International Peace Conference

  22. 目前他正在努力开拓他的第一个国际市场亚洲。

    He is focusing his first international efforts on asia .

  23. 这就是第一只国际地产基金的诞生经历”。

    That 's how the first international real estate fund was born .

  24. 第一批国际救援队也于周五抵达。

    The first international rescue workers began arriving on Friday .

  25. 第一部分国际投资中间接征收问题的概述。

    In the first part the author introduced indirect expropriation in international investment .

  26. 透过此美国组织,第一期国际训练课程最后终于定案。

    Through this American organization the first international training course was finally arranged .

  27. 第一季度国际干散货运输市场述评

    Analysis of world bulk cargo transport market in the first quarter of 2003

  28. 第一部分国际组织责任的概述。

    The first part : the introduction of the responsibility of international organizations .

  29. 第一章国际商事仲裁司法介入的一般理论问题,主要论述了国际商事仲裁的概念和界定,法院介入国际商事仲裁的必要性,以及司法介入的含义及其模式选择。

    Chapter one : The General Theory of Judicial Intervention in International Commercial Arbitration .

  30. 第一次国际妇女会议在1910年的丹麦召开。

    The first international women 's conference took place in 1910 , in Denmark .