
dì yī shǒu cái liào
  • First hand materials;firsthand material;primary sources;firsthand knowledge
第一手材料 [dì yī shǒu cái liào]
  • [the first-hand material] 从亲身实践或调查中直接获得的材料

  1. 通过对废物资源化的分析和经济价值的评价,建立企业的预算管理机制,为科学决策提供了第一手材料;

    By the analysis of recycle waste resources and the evaluation of economy value , we ( our company ) have set up the budget management system of enterprise , which provided the firsthand material for scientific decision - making .

  2. 希望通过大家的共同努力,将散佚的宝贵的第一手材料汇集整理出来,以供研究。

    Hope that through joint efforts of everybody , the valuable firsthand material that will distribute Yi will be gathered and be put in order out , for studying .

  3. 案例(源于英文“Case”)指具体案例,其来自于现实第一手材料,真实、有环境、有情节,案例教学也即具体事例教学。

    Case ( derives from the English word " case ") refers to the detailed case which comes from the true and first hand material bearing environment and plots . Case teaching is the detailed facts teaching .

  4. 最后,我用一个实用的示例进行总结,用第一手材料向您展示如何把groovy的这些特性与Eclipse和Maven集成在一起。

    I 'll conclude with a working example that shows you , first hand , how to integrate these groovy features with Eclipse and Maven .

  5. 有时,他们冒着生命危险为咱们获取第一手材料!

    Sometimes they risk their lives to get fist-hand stories for us !

  6. 大多数的博客并没有掌握报道的第一手材料。

    Most bloggers don 't do firsthand reporting .

  7. 我们已经收集了第一手材料。

    We have got the firsthand data together .

  8. 这本书第一手材料很丰富。

    This book is fat with first-hand information .

  9. 我们希望得到第一手材料。

    We wished to obtain first-hand information .

  10. 也为苜蓿育种工作者提供了评价品种的第一手材料。

    At the same time this research give a first-hand material of alfalfa cultivar evaluation for breeding researchers .

  11. 二,笔者整理了许多有关快递合同纠纷的民事判决书,裁定书以作为对司法实务开展研究的第一手材料。

    Secondly , I put together express disputes , civil judgments , ruling as a judicial practice research material .

  12. 作为一名IT项目经理、构架师或者开发人员,您可能具有直接对这些问题进行处理的第一手材料。

    You may have dealt firsthand with this issue as an IT project manager , architect , or developer .

  13. 第一手材料,帮助本研究感谢该公司的直接参与,共享有关其业务的重要信息。

    Fist hand material helped this study thank to the direct involvement of the company that shared important information about its business .

  14. 宋代福建音释指的是宋代福建人经籍注释中的音注材料,它是我们对宋代福建语音进行研究的切实有效的第一手材料。

    The phonetic notations made by those who came from Fujian Province in the Song Dynasty are the first-hand phonetic documents for our study .

  15. 为中医妇科学科学、有效地开展教学提供来自学生学习实际的第一手材料;为非医攻博专业学生科学、有效地学习中医妇科学乃至其他中医类学科提供科学的指导和思考;

    This study provides first-hand information from the students for scientific and effective teaching and learning of Chinese gynecology and some other subjects as well .

  16. 本文以详实的第一手材料较全面地分析了中国老年期刊的源起、发展路径和现状。

    By taking with the first-hand materials , this article has thoroughly analyzed the origin , the development path and current status of the Journal .

  17. 本文以调查获取的第一手材料为描写、分析的对象,对太原城区方言的副词进行了比较研究。

    This paper is to compare the adverbs in the Taiyuan urban dialect with those in the Mandarin language through description and analysis of the first-hand materials .

  18. 作者根据第一手材料,系统地论述了《续修四库全书总目提要》的缘起、编纂机构、人员结构、经费来源和编纂过程。

    This article systematically discusses the origin of the book , the compiling organization , the staff structure , the source of funds and the compiling process , etc.

  19. 将陇东地区的岁时风俗进行整理加工,目的在于为陇东岁时风俗文化研究提供第一手材料。

    This paper sorts out and improves the yearly local customs in order to offer the first materials for studying the yearly local customs cultural of this area .

  20. 本文以详实的调查反馈信息为依据,在第一手材料的基础上分析了目前我国中国现当代文学教材的写作和使用情况。

    According to the details of investigation and based on the first-hand materials , this paper analyses the writing and using situation of the modern literary teaching materials .

  21. 资料来源:作者本人在大学生心理辅导工作中获得的第一手材料及问卷调查结果。

    DATA SOURCES : All the data came from the first-hand materials and results of questionnaire investigation in the writer 's experience in the psychological education of college students .

  22. 在取得第一手材料的基础上,进行了系统的整理与分析,提出了扶贫自愿性移民搬迁系统的概念,并从系统的角度,论述了系统的特性、结构、功能、动因和条件。

    Based on the above , the concept of Voluntary Migration System was defined and the character , structure , function , agent and factors of the system were analyzed .

  23. 本文提出疑问之后,以元稹、白居易的第一手材料结合元稹的行踪加以证明,从而得出正确的符合史实的结论。

    Concerning about the above questions , I combined first-hand materials written by Yuan Zhen and Bai Juyi with Yuan Zhen 's whereabouts to get correct conclusion more in line with history .

  24. 本研究立足于基层第一手材料,从文化的视角入手分析农业认养旅游,填补了国内在该领域的研究空白,同时在为从业者的实际操作提供了理论依据。

    This paper is based on the first-hand materials , analyzes from a cultural angle , fills the domestic research of farming tourism , while provides theoretical basis for the actual operation .

  25. 要改善人类的生存环境、防止环境的进一步恶化,及时监测环境的变化,掌握环境污染的第一手材料,无疑是首要的一步。

    In order to protect the environment and prevent the deterioration , the first and most important step is to inspect the change of environment and collect the accurate data in time .

  26. 第二,通过对获取的第一手材料的分析,探究和分析影响该学校资源配置现状的原因,从而从根源上深入的理解学校资源配置机制。

    Second , analysis of the obtained first-hand material , explore and analyze the current situation of the school resource allocation reasons , the root causes of in-depth understanding of school resource allocation mechanism .

  27. 加强调查研究,取得第一手材料,把握青年的思想实际,有针对性的去做工作,问题可以迎刃而解。

    Strengthen investigation and study , obtain first-hand data , the thinking that masters a youth is pragmatic , have specific aim go doing the work , the problem is OK be readily solved .

  28. 在形成一定的理论基础后,我深入到教学一线,广泛听取和参与物理教师的授课过程,积累了大量的第一手材料。

    After forming certain theoretical foundation , I went deeply into the teaching first line , participated in the teaching course of the physics-teaching thoroughly and extensively , and accumulated a large number of firsthand materials .

  29. 其中,关于股份经济合作社在现实中的运行情况,是本文历尽艰辛收集到的第一手材料,具有准确、新鲜、全面的特征,可以为后来的研究者提供一些学术上的帮助。

    Among them , about new co-operative in real operation , this paper is to collect the painstaking first-hand material , has accurate , fresh , comprehensive feature that could provide some academic help for later researchers .

  30. 通过大量国内外参考书籍、参考材料及文章的阅读,收集大量的第一手材料,作为研究的基础,使文章的论述更加准确。

    Through reading a large number of domestic and international reference books , reference materials and article , collect a large number of first-hand materials , as a basis for study to make the article more accurate .