
  • 网络Private life;Personal life
  1. 我的私人生活不得不为事业让路。

    My personal life has had to take second place to my career

  2. Workweekcreep(译为“公私不分”)有两种意思:其一,表示随时随地通过智能手机和电脑与别人联系导致工作和私人生活的界限完全被打乱;

    Workweek creep means : 1 ) Constant connectivity via your smartphone and computer blurs1 the boundaries between your work life and your personal life .

  3. 在成功的外表下面却隐藏着悲惨的私人生活。

    Beneath the gloss of success was a tragic private life .

  4. 这真是个奇怪的矛盾现象——职业喜剧演员的私人生活往往并不快乐。

    It is a curious paradox that professional comedians often have unhappy personal lives .

  5. 我们为工作牺牲了私人生活。

    We sacrifice our personal lives to our work

  6. 我要求你对于无礼地侵扰我的私人生活的行为作出解释。

    I demand an explanation for your rude intrusion upon my privacy .

  7. 诺埃尔•科沃德(NoelCoward)也是在那里完成的《私人生活》(PrivateLives)。

    Noel Coward finished Private Lives while staying there .

  8. 每天,全世界大约有8亿人使用Windows操作系统,其中至少有一半人是在家或在私人生活中使用。

    Every day around the world 800m people use the Windows operating system – at least half of them at home or in their personal lives .

  9. 罗萨诺夫称,他的研究显示,CEO们、或者更具体的说他们的私人生活(对公司)确实有影响,影响可能还有点过大。

    Roussanov says his research suggests that CEOs , and more specifically their private lives , do matter , perhaps a little too much .

  10. 泰格•伍兹(TigerWoods)曾是一名高尔夫神童,现在虽然已是一名高尔夫老将,但却不得不努力修复一塌糊涂的私人生活。他的故事具有警示意义。

    Tiger Woods " own path from prodigy to a veteran trying to overcome the disintegration of his personal life offers one cautionary tale .

  11. 为了工作Andrea改变了她看法和行为,但这些却也影响到了她的私人生活、她的男朋友Nate的关系,还有她的家庭和她的朋友。

    Andrea changes her attitude and behavior , affecting her private life and the relationship with her boyfriend Nate , her family and friends .

  12. 对我而言用这么一个新奇有趣的方式来讨论我的私人生活挺好玩的,因为Ellen成天都在节目上说这些。

    It 's so hard for me to talk about my personal life in a fresh and interesting way because Ellen talks about it on the show practically every day .

  13. Profusion等公司认为,可穿戴设备可能为办公场所分析开辟了新的前沿阵地,虽然它将会进一步模糊工作和私人生活之间的界限。

    Companies such as Profusion think wearable gadgets could open a new frontier in workplace analytics , albeit one that would further blur the lines between our work and private lives .

  14. 去年优步(Uber)一位男性高管说他可能会雇佣私家侦探,深挖一位女博主的私人生活,这位女博主曾批评过该公司,随后这家打车应用公司为此事做出道歉。

    Last year , Uber , the taxi app group , apologised after one of its top male executives said he might hire private investigators to dig into the private life of a female blogger who was critical of the company .

  15. 论陈染小说《私人生活》的叙事策略

    The Narrative Strategy in Chen Ran 's Novel The Private Life

  16. 一个人的私人生活是应该保密的。

    What you do in your private life should remain private .

  17. 要知道,你的私人生活是你的私人生活。

    You know , your personal life is your personal life .

  18. 在我们的公共生活中,在我们的私人生活中。

    In our public life , and in our personal lives .

  19. 在他的私人生活,他珍惜他的家人。

    In his private life , he cherished his family .

  20. 他是一个保守的人,并全面管理着自己的私人生活。

    He is a conservative person who thoroughly administers his private life .

  21. 他对她的私人生活一无所知。

    He didn 't know anything about her personal life .

  22. 西方国家并不羞于审查私人生活。

    Western countries are not shy about trying to examine private lives .

  23. 史蒂夫通常不会向外界透露他的私人生活

    Jobs was usually very guarded about his private life ,

  24. 所以,让外界了解私人生活状态是非常重要的。

    So it 's important the private life to be known outside .

  25. 与他私人生活声关的文件在这起入室盗窃案中被盗了。

    Documents relating to his private life were stolen in the burglary .

  26. 他拼命工作破坏了他的私人生活。

    His hard work wreaks havoc in his personal life .

  27. 在私人生活上,他是个天性善良和蔼可亲的人。

    In his personal life , he was a good-natured kind man .

  28. 你私人生活细节我可没兴趣。

    The details of your private life is none of my interests .

  29. 对于你的私人生活也是非常重要。

    It is very important for your private life .

  30. 该片也大量显示了康先生的私人生活。

    The film also shows a great deal about Kahn 's private life .