
sī lì xué xiào
  • private school;academy;pay school
  1. 上私立学校后,她变得很势利。

    Going to a private school had made her a snob

  2. 他上的是伊顿公学,英国最昂贵的私立学校。

    He attended Eton , the most exclusive private school in Britain .

  3. 私立学校的考试成绩是最好的,很少有例外情况。

    With very few exceptions , private schools get the best exam results .

  4. 他们的子女都是上私立学校的。

    Their children were educated privately .

  5. 拿私立学校与州立学校相比,这样公平吗?

    Was it fair to compare independent schools with state schools ?

  6. 私立学校招走了很多优秀的学生。

    The private schools cream off many of the best pupils .

  7. 他得为尼娜付一大笔私立学校的学费。

    He will have to fork out for private school fees for Nina

  8. 他们把我送到一所昂贵的私立学校学习。

    They sent me to a fancy private school .

  9. 他在米尔菲尔德私立学校上学的时候培养了广泛的运动爱好。

    He developed a wide range of sporting interests as a pupil at Millfield .

  10. 他曾在那所私立学校就读。

    He used to go to that private school .

  11. 贝丝被送进了私立学校。

    Beth was sent to private school .

  12. 我们决定让他进入一所私立学校。

    We have decided to enter him in a private school .

  13. 鲁宾诺夫说:“如果我们能够引导更多学生进入此类学校,帮助他们了解这些学校并非遥不可及,让他们频繁申请并最终入学,成功率就会最终提高。”他还列举了大型国家机构和小型私立学校等各种学院。

    " If we can help to direct students to more of these types of campuses and help students to understand them to be realistic and accessible places , have them apply to these schools at greater frequency and ultimately get in and enroll , we are going to raise the success rate , " Rubinoff said , citing a variety of colleges ranging from large state institutions to smaller private schools .

  14. 另一所是私立学校,家长们要为孩子支付一些学费。

    The other is the private school where parents pay some money for their children to go .

  15. 例句:私立学校将其设施与该地区其他学校的设施进行比较。

    Individual schools compared their facilities with those of others in the area .

  16. 【英文原文】Whataratlookedlike——老鼠是什么样子的啮齿类动物在纽约市附近的一家时尚的私立学校泛滥成灾。

    Rodents had overrun a posh private school near New York City .

  17. W:我听说私立学校要穿校服。

    W : I hear you have to wear uniforms at private school .

  18. 托雷是英国纽卡斯尔大学(newcastleuniversity)的教育学教授,他在考察海得拉巴又是在印度的贫民窟时,第一次接触到面向穷人的私立学校。

    A professor of education at the University of Newcastle , Tooley first encountered private schooling for the poor while exploring the slums of Hyderabad , again in India .

  19. 而据该校最新数字显示,曼谷哈罗分校的比例只有47%&略低于英国私立学校委员会(IndependentSchoolsCouncil)成员校50.5%的平均水平。

    At Harrow Bangkok it was only 47 per cent , according to the school 's latest figures – slightly below the 50.5 per cent average for members of Britain 's Independent Schools Council .

  20. EricPeterson知道,在这样一个小型的私立学校更改上课时间比较容易。

    Eric Peterson knows that changing start times is easier at a small , private boarding school like his .

  21. 他过着双重生活,白天在上西区的德怀特私立学校(DwightSchool)上课,晚上滑着滑板,在市中心涂鸦或聚会。

    He lived on two tracks , spending days at the private Dwight School on the Upper West Side , and nights on a skateboard , scrawling graffiti and partying downtown .

  22. GEMS是一家为公立与私立学校提供高水平教育服务的环球教育集团。

    GEMS Education is an international education company that owns and operates high performing schools and offers education services to support both the public and private sectors .

  23. 政府为国际大学、合作项目、私立学校、全职及在职mba和emba项目开绿灯,至少允许它们起步并证明自我。

    International universities , joint programmes , private schools , full and part-time MBA and EMBA programmes have been given the green light , at least to start and to prove themselves .

  24. Johns先生志愿指导的“明日的领导者”计划如今已帮助一些学生获得全国最好的私立学校的奖学金。

    Leaders of Tomorrow , the mentoring scheme with which Mr Johns volunteers , has helped students get scholarships to some of the country 's best independent schools .

  25. 根据私立学校专业顾问公司mtmconsulting的研究结果,在承担得起私立学校费用的家庭中,近四分之一的家庭把一个或多个子女送入私立学校。

    According to studies by MTM consulting , a specialist adviser to independent schools , almost a quarter of families who can afford the fees send one or more children to independent schools .

  26. 专门从事教育营销代理的rsacademics表示,所谓的“首次买家”要求最为苛刻,实际上,许多私立学校正通过提供豪华设施,相互进行“军备竞赛”。

    According to RS academics , a specialist education marketing agency , the so-called first-time buyers are the most demanding of all and many private schools are actually engaged in an " arms race " to compete with one another by offering luxury facilities .

  27. 我15岁的女儿不愿为拿到英国普通中等教育证书(GCSE)而努力学习,称自己把时间花在穿着打扮上更有意义,为的是与她那个讨人喜欢、勤奋、上私立学校的有钱男友约会。

    My 15-year-old is disinclined to work for her GCSEs , saying her time is better spent preening herself in preparation for assignations with her delightful , diligent , privately educated , moneyed boyfriend .

  28. “百校组织”是由英格兰著名的50所私立学校和50所公立学校组成的联盟。

    The100 Group is a distinguished group of schools in England .

  29. 优秀的大学和私立学校吸引了不少年轻人和父母。

    Excellent universities and private schools attracted young people and parents .

  30. 我用剩下的让麦克读私立学校。

    I use the rest to get Micah into private school .