
  • 网络college;fachhochschule;fachhochschulen
  1. Jason拥有德国卡尔斯鲁厄高等专科学校的信息系统学士学位。

    Jason holds a bachelor 's degree in information systems from Fachhochschule Karlsruhe in Germany .

  2. 方法以萍乡高等专科学校408名学业不及格大学生为研究对象,进行SCL-90测量,比较不同性别、不同补考次数学业受挫大学生心理异常情况。

    Methods SCL - 90 was adopted to survey 408 students who failed in their examinations in Pingxiang College .

  3. X学院作为一所典型高等专科学校,其在教学评价上存在的问题既具有普遍性又具有特殊性。

    The existing problems in teaching evaluation of X college , as a typical higher vocational colleges , are both universal and unique .

  4. 医学高等专科学校病理学实验网络辅助教学的实践与评价

    The practice and evaluation of web-based medical college pathological laboratory instruction

  5. 贵州商业高等专科学校专业技术人员绩效考核改进研究

    Study on Evaluation of Guizhou Commercial University 's Professional Technical Personnel

  6. 福建省商业高等专科学校学生体质状况的跟踪调查

    The Followed up Investigation into Students'Physique Condition at Our College

  7. 集宁师范高等专科学校就业工作的几点思考

    Ponder on the Work of Employment in Jining Teachers College

  8. 《杭州医学高等专科学校学报》载文分析

    Analysis of articles published in Journal of Hangzhou Medical College

  9. 美国的社区学院与我国高等专科学校之比较研究

    Comparative study on community college of America and higher college of China

  10. 关于师范高等专科学校摆脱困境谋求发展的探讨

    On Extricating Teachers Colleges from Predicaments and Seeking Ways for Their Development

  11. 宁德师范高等专科学校学生艾滋病/性病知识、行为调查分析

    Knowledge and Behaviors about AIDS / STD among Students of Ningde Teachers'College

  12. 高等专科学校实施学分制管理模式的思考

    A Reflection on the Administrative Mode of Credit System in Advanced Colleges

  13. 西昌农业高等专科学校九九级新生乙型肝炎感染情况调查分析

    The Infection of Hepatitis B among the Freshmen in Xichang Agricultural College

  14. 推进产学合作培养应用性专门人才&本溪冶金高等专科学校旅游专业实践教学改革探索

    Pushing on Cooperation Production with Teaching and Training Applied Talent

  15. 对高职高专院校科学发展的几点思考&以承德石油高等专科学校为例

    Reflections on Scientific Development in Higher Vocational Colleges & Chengde Petroleum College

  16. 点可数覆盖与序列覆盖映射&献给宁德师范高等专科学校

    Point - Countable Covers And Sequence - Covering Mappings

  17. 浅论师范类高等专科学校独具特色的品牌地位的形成

    On the Shaping of a Brand Position with Characteristics Unique to Teachers Colleges

  18. 高等专科学校精细化工专业的前景和建设

    Prospect and Construction of Fine Chemical Speciality at College

  19. 加强临床教学工作,提高临床教学质量&湖南中医药高等专科学校中医药临床教学改革与实践

    Reinforcement Clinical Teaching Work and Improvement Clinical Teaching Quality

  20. 高职高专加强实践教学的思考&以贵州商业高等专科学校为例

    Study on strengthening practical teaching in higher vocational college

  21. 对成都纺织高等专科学校大学生体质健康测试成绩的研究与分析

    Research and Analysis of Students ' Physical Health Results of Chengdu Textile College

  22. 绿色理念山水情怀&达县师范高等专科学校新校区规划设计浅析

    A Case of the General Planning of New Campus of Daxian Normal College

  23. 南昌水利水电高等专科学校校园网(CSnet)规划构想

    The Conception on Campus Network Programme of Nanchang Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric College

  24. 郑州工业高等专科学校图书馆网站设计

    The Design of ZhengZhou Polytechnic Institute Library Web Sites

  25. 医学高等专科学校中医教师教学效果的评价报告研究

    Medicine college level specialty school Chinese medicine teacher teaching effect appraisal report research

  26. 《昆明冶金高等专科学校学报》2001年载文及引文分析

    Analysis of Articles and quotations in Journal of kunming Metallurgy College , 2001

  27. 《毕节师范高等专科学校学报》1999~2005年载文统计分析

    A Statistical Analysis of Publications of the Journal of Bijie Teachers College 1999-2005

  28. 我毕业于阜新高等专科学校,我所学的专业是汽车专业!

    I am graduated from FUXIN Altitude Acad , my major is automobile .

  29. 建立成人高等专科学校试题库的尝试

    The Experimental View of Establishing the Storage of Examination Questions in Adult Higher Schools

  30. 贵州商业高等专科学校网络中心简介

    The Introduction of Guizhou Commercial College Network Center