- high profile;bombast;high-sounding words;lofty tone;tall talk;high pitch tone;bombastic words

[high sounding words;tall talk;hombast] 声调或口吻太高。比喻说话不着边际、脱离实际,吹牛皮
Now Ariadne , though she looked like a wax doll , had feelings within her instead of sawdust , and these feelings were hurt by Rose 's lofty tone .
This means you 're talking high-sounding words or bushwa .
For years , from newspapers , broadcasts , the stages and at meetings , we had heard nothing but grandiloquent rhetoric delivered with shouts and shrieks that deafened the ears .
Only 13 percent of respondents said that they were interested in buying a smartwatch in 2016 , for example -- an increase of just one percent from the previous year despite a year of high-profile launches .
I 'm going out tonight but it 's pretty low-key .
The guy 's too high profile1 .
2007 , China Finance Industry Walks into the Post Transition Period of WTO
Despite the lofty rhetoric , it is unclear how well the new Apple TV box is selling .
It is worth contemplating the rise of this IBM supercomputer amid a fraught election season .
Last week , Amazon brought it loud and proud .
The best way to describe obtrusive JavaScript is to give an example .
Some people accuse the Federal Reserve , America 's central bank , of singing the same tune .
Following is the designing point : the hysteresis current controlling high-power LED constant-current driver with wide input voltage range and high dimming ratio .
This method shows better harmonic characteristics of output voltage than Subharmonic PWM method under low modulation index region .
Google , a high-profile newcomer , has dared to incur the wrath of Wall Street by refusing any guidance at all .
Since 2005 when Lenovo bought IBM 's PC business , the Chinese company has gone on a spree of high-profile acquisitions .
Last fall saw the high-profile release of the kindle fire tablet , a device many analysts believe Amazon initially sold at a loss .
Demand for these services are expected to soar after high levels of publicity for recent attacks on big companies from Sony Pictures to Home Depot .
Although there were hints of modest success with one such vaccine last year , the previous best bet proved to be a high-profile flop in2007 , during a trial dubbed " STEP " .
They will no doubt be a high-profile part of HBO Max 's appeal as it tries to attract subscribers .
It turns out that a lot of the high profile people Google is recruiting are coming from cross-town rival Oracle ( orcl ) .
Why does the high-profile virgin consortium bidding to acquire Northern Rock , the ailing UK mortgage lender , require the presence of a low-key Hong Kong-based investment firm ?
Another high-profile blockbuster , mainland China 's " The Flowers of War " from director Zhang Yimou and starring Christian Bale didn 't make the short list .
On the other hand , Bank of China International , its investment banking arm , is set to launch a big rollout of a new service in the final quarter of this year , according to people familiar with its plans .
You will also see some examples of obtrusive JavaScript code , and discover the attributes that they have that are considered to be poor programming practice .
In keeping with the public nature of their relationship , Mr Pitt and Ms Jolie Pitt sold the photographs of their wedding day to People and Hello ! magazines for a reported $ 5 million .
Three weeks ago , a unit of the seals performed an audacious , high-profile assassination of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan .
The Chinese-born power forward entered the NBA to much fanfare in 2007 only to fade quickly into anonymity after failing to impress on the court .
A surge in credit was the single most important part of the government 's vaunted stimulus programme : new lending by state-owned banks from 2008-10 was about 60 percent of gross domestic product .
But the influence of Gulf investors is rising as they participate in high-profile deals including capital injections into financial institutions such as Citigroup and UBS .