
  • 网络high-grade residence;high–grade residence
  1. 高级住宅小区生态设计与环境经济效益分析

    Economic and Environmental Benefit Analysis and Ecological Design of High-grade Residence Community

  2. 她住在伦敦一个高级住宅区。

    She lives in a very fashionable part of London .

  3. 位于华盛顿乔治敦地区(华盛顿西部高级住宅区)丽嘉酒店内的Degrees酒吧向顾客提供两种不同的鸡尾酒&“克里莓酒”和“布什马丁尼”。

    The Degrees bar at the Ritz-Carlton hotel in Georgetown is offering the choice of two cocktails-the Kerry Berry Kosmo and the W-tini .

  4. 适宜于建设高档住宅和商业设施。上流社会高级住宅区。

    Suitable to construction of high-grade residences and business facilities .

  5. 那栋旧建筑物在这个高级住宅区里显得很突兀。

    That old building looks out of place in this up-scale neighborhood .

  6. 酒店、高级住宅及商业综合楼,贝鲁特(黎巴嫩)

    Hotel , Residences and Commerce , Beirut ( Lebanon )

  7. 被称为教堂大街的高级住宅街。

    The fashionable road known as church parade .

  8. 上海的高级住宅,越来越华美。

    High-rank dwelling houses in Shanghai are getting more and more beautiful and charming .

  9. 从房地产开发看高级住宅的设计原则和趋向

    Design Principles And Trend Of High-degree Residence From The Point of View Of Real Estate

  10. 她决定住下来,尽管住在这样的高级住宅区费用显然很高。

    She decided to stay , despite the obvious cost of residing in such an exclusive area .

  11. 该集团的资产包括港岛南部高级住宅区一栋24层楼的豪华住宅楼。

    The group 's assets include a 24-storey luxury residential tower on the exclusive south side of Hong Kong island .

  12. 我们最初的做法,估计你也知道,就是调查全国各地住在所谓“高级住宅区”里的人。

    Initially , we did it just as you might imagine : by surveying people in so-called up-scale neighbourhoods across the country .

  13. 2002年当棕榈岛上的2000栋别墅及高级住宅被标价出售时,一个月内所有房子就全部售出了。

    When the 2,000 villas and townhouses on the Palm went on sale in 2002 , they sold out in a month .

  14. 关礼廉说,亚洲的经济成长以及越来越多外籍主管对高级住宅需求的增加都导致了香港房价高涨。

    Quane says Asia 's growing economy and increased demand for high-end housing from foreign executives in Hong Kong have driven rents up .

  15. 他说,对高级住宅的需求是好的,因为公司依旧想要获得与中国大陆有地利之便的经济利益。

    He says demand for higher-end apartments is good , because company officials still want the economic benefits of working near mainland China .

  16. 随后,我们又发现了更奇怪的事∶许多富豪并不住在高级住宅区里。

    Then , we discovered something even odder : Many people who have a great deal of wealth do not even live in up-scale neighbourhoods .

  17. 他们住在高级住宅区。某高档住宅小区地下水地源热泵-太阳能系统方案分析

    They live in a posh part of town . Analysis on scheme of groundwater heat pump combined with solar energy system for a high-grade residential quarter

  18. 时过不久,我们就发现了些怪事:许多住在高级住宅区里、开着豪华小车的人实际上并不富有。

    In time , we discovered something odd : Many people who live in expensive homes and drive luxury cars do not actually have much wealth .

  19. 她和丈夫吉姆·斯特劳斯以及两个小孩(三岁的玛格诺丽亚和一岁的格洛佛)住在科博尔山镇的赤竭色砂石高级住宅里。

    She lives in a brownstone in Cobble Hill with her partner , Jim Strouse , and their children , Magnolia , three , and Grover , one .

  20. 更适用于化工厂及其严重腐蚀性环境的保护,也适合高级住宅、文物和古道的表面装饰及保护。

    More applicable to chemical plants and the serious corrosion protection of the environment , also suitable for senior housing , heritage and the trail surface decoration and protection .

  21. 索尔是一个瘦瘦的黑头发男孩,因为他的爸爸是一名医生,他的家住在镇上的高级住宅区,所以对我来说,他是一个不同寻常的伙伴。

    Sol was a thin , dark-haired boy , and an unusual PAL for me because his father was a doctor and they lived in the best part of town .

  22. 这是高级住宅区,你必须有钱才能住在这里。

    High-rank dwelling houses in Shanghai are getting more and more Beautiful and charming . This is a very select area ; you have to be rich to live here .

  23. 大门口有一道电动栅门。有时候,我们会觉得自己住在一种我们巴基斯坦人称之为“替代性监狱”的地方,“囚禁”在一幢高级住宅里。

    It sits behind an electric iron gate and it sometimes seems as if we are in what we in Pakistan call a sub-jail , a kind of luxury house arrest .

  24. 操那些高级住宅区戴着高级围巾的老妈子们,还有她们50美元的高级护肤品,把满脸的褶子都拉平,好显得平滑有光泽。

    Fuck the Upper East Side wives with their Hermes scarves , and their $ 50 Balducci artichoke , Overfed faces getting pulled and lifted , and stretched all taut and shiny .

  25. 另一方面,南威尔斯的房地产商伍德汉,也正在为自己的计画寻求许可证,包括他打算在巨坝附近制造人工岛屿盖起高级住宅。

    Mr woodham , a property developer from neath in South wales , is also seeking planning permission for his rival scheme , which will include creating islands close to the barrage on which would be built executive homes .

  26. 浦东新区未来住宅空间格局设想。在最后一节中,论文作者提出了未来浦东新区住宅发展1沿江高级、高尚住宅带;

    And at the end of this paper , it has drawn a outline of Pudong future residence development .

  27. 古罗马或法国高级官员的住宅或房屋由于年久失修那个古庙的屋顶塌了。

    The residence or housing of a prefect . The roof of that ancient temple caved in because of bad maintenance .