
ɡāo sù liè chē
  • high-speed train;bullet train ;metro-liner
  1. DSP技术及其在高速列车转向架滚动轴承测振仪上的应用

    The Technology of DSP & Its Application of Vibration-measuring Apparatus in Turning Rack Rolling Bears of High-speed Train

  2. CFD在高速列车研究中的应用

    Application of CFD in high-speed train aerodynamic study

  3. 这个故事就像一辆失控的高速列车,读起来惊险刺激。

    The narrative pulls you along like a runaway train .

  4. 德国新一代ICE高速列车&ICE3

    The New Generation of ICE High Speed Trains in Germany & ICE3

  5. IGBT模块在TGV-A高速列车动力车辅助逆变器上的应用

    Uses of IGBT modules on the auxiliary inverters of the Atlantic TGV power Cars

  6. Inventor在高速列车司机室侧窗设计中的应用

    Application of Inventor software in design of side-windows on high speed train cab

  7. 法国新一代高速列车AGV

    The New Generation of High Speed Train AGV in France

  8. 为了获得一个较好的高速列车车轮辐板外形,采用ANSYS软件对其进行了优化设计。

    It is necessary to apply " ANSYS " programme through optimized design to get a satisfied spoke of high speed train wheel .

  9. 连续桁架桥受高速列车作用之减振分析-复合型MTMD系统之应用

    Suppression of Train-induced Vibration of Continuous Truss Bridges using Hybrid MTMD Systems

  10. 西班牙国铁AVES103高速列车

    AVE S 103 High Speed Train of RENFE

  11. 法国TGV高速列车焊接转向架构架的设计

    Design of the Welded Bogie Frame on TGV High Speed Train in France

  12. 以Ti3SiC2系导电陶瓷材料在高速列车受电弓滑板的应用为背景,对Ti3SiC2材料的摩擦-磨损行为及相关机理进行了研究。

    In order to apply the conductive Ti_3SiC_ 2-class ceramics to fabricate the pantograph strip of high-speed train , the friction and wear behaviours as well as the relevant mechanisms of a Ti_3SiC_2 material were investigated .

  13. 着重描述了高速列车与其它交通工具在空气动力学方面的差异,重点在包括磁悬浮列车(Maglev)在内的现代高速列车。

    This review highlights the differences between the aerodynamics of high-speed trains and other types of transportation vehicles . The emphasis is on modern , high-speed trains , including magnetic levitation ( Maglev ) trains .

  14. 当今国际国内飞速发展的高速列车设备制造技术使得符合列车通信网络(TCN)标准的车载设备的市场逐步扩大,越来越多的生产商投入到TCN设备的生产中。

    Today s international and domestic rapid development of high-speed train equipment manufacturing technology enables the Train Communication Network ( TCN ) standard vehicle equipment market expanding .

  15. 本文以不可压缩粘性流体的Navier-Stokes方程和k-两方程紊流模型为基础,采用有限元方法求解了高速列车三维紊态外流场。

    Based on Navier-Stokes equation and k - 2-equations turbulent model for incompressible viscous fluid , the 3D turbulent outside flow field around high-speed trains has been calculated by means of the finite element method .

  16. ICE3高速列车用信息技术

    Information technology for ICE 3 high speed trains

  17. 270km·h~(-1)高速列车气动力性能研究

    The Analysis and Evaluation on the Aerodynamic Behavior of 270 km · h ~ ( - 1 ) High-speed Train

  18. 依据已建立的复合材料塞拉门数值分析等效模型,利用ANSYS数值模拟了高速列车塞拉门在6000Pa面静载荷下的响应,并通过实验对模拟结果进行了验证。

    Based on the established equivalent numerical analysis model of sliding plug door made from composite material and taking use of ANSYS numerical value , we simulate the response of sliding plug door of high-speed train under surface load of 6000 Pa , and validate the simulation result through experiment .

  19. 不仅如此,新型高速列车如CRH,其列车的密封性比以往列车更好,这进一步增加了无线信号传播至列车内的难度。

    Moreover , the tightness of the carriages of the new high-speed trains such as CRH , is better than the previous trains , which makes it more difficult for the wireless signals propagating into the train .

  20. 高强度铸造AL-Si合金作为高速列车转向架的箱体材料,不仅具有良好的机械性能、物理性能、切削加工性能以及铸造性能等优点,而且能有效地减轻簧下质量。

    As the material for manufacturing the box body used for bogies in high-speed trains , the high strength cast Al-Si alloy not only provides good mechanical , physical and casting properties and cutting behavior , but also can effectively reduce the unspring mass .

  21. 目前,Siemens正在和AlcatelSEL公司联合开发21世纪高速列车用的欧洲列车控制系统ETCS-2(以下称ETCS系统)。

    Siemens and Alcatel SEL at the moment develop a European Train Control System Level 2 ( in the following referred to as ETCS ) for the high-speed railway transport of the 21st century .

  22. 日本铁道综合研究所(RTRI)为降低滚动噪声和减少高速列车线路的维护工作量,对几种类型的弹性车轮进行了研究。

    At present the development of some types of resilient wheels is newly tackled mainly from the aspects of reducing rolling noise and track maintenance for high speed trains at Railway Technical Research Institute in Tokyo ( RTRI ) .

  23. 这是国际间高速列车开往沈阳新。

    This is the international high-speed train bound for New Shenyang .

  24. 高速列车绕流的数值模拟

    The numerical simulation of the flow field around high speed trains

  25. 高速列车铜基粉末冶金闸片材料力学性能研究

    Mechanical properties of Cu-based powder metallurgy braking material for express train

  26. 高速列车塞拉门瞬态动力学分析

    The Transient Dynamic Analysis of Sliding Plug Door of High-speed Train

  27. 接触网是高速列车运行的能量来源。

    Catenary is the source of energy for high-speed train running .

  28. 高速列车横向半主动悬挂系统建模研究及分析

    Study on Modeling of lateral semi-active suspension system of high-speed train

  29. 高速列车铝合金齿轮箱箱体的研制

    Development of aluminum - alloy gearbox for high - speed train

  30. 中华之星号高速列车客车车厢内部空气压力试验研究

    Air pressure test in the carriage of China Star high-speed EMU