
  • 网络Hotel Supreme;hotel;Premium Hotel;Luxury hotels
  1. Portico能让人们入住宽敞的豪华度假别墅,同时享受高级酒店的待遇。

    Portico gives you hotel experience in a big nice luxury villa .

  2. 高级酒店中层管理人员素质测评探究

    Quality Assessment Research of Mid Level Executives in High Level Hotel

  3. 现今,X射线安检技术被广泛地用于机场、铁路、公路客运站、地铁以及各种商务会馆和高级酒店等场所进行安全检查。

    Today , X-ray screening technique is widely used in airports , railway , bus terminal , subway , various Business Center , upscale hotels and other places for safety checks .

  4. 走进这样的高级酒店的确是很侮辱。

    Into this fancy hotel is humiliating .

  5. 高贵典雅的椅套,非常适用于各类高级酒店的宴会和会议。

    Noble and elegant chait covers , ideal for banquet and conference applications in various high-grade hotels .

  6. 广岛总汇酒店属于高级酒店之一,地理位置理想,再加上附近便有广岛地铁站,交通十分方便。

    A complete high-grade city hotel facilitated in an ideal location directly connected to the Shinkansen Line 's JR Hiroshima Station .

  7. 你可以在假期中的某段时间去当地旅馆或者高级酒店放松一下。

    You can relax at a local B & B or high end hotel for at least part of your staycation .

  8. 不论是在高级酒店还是街边小摊,你都可以很容易的找到这道菜。

    One can easily find this popular dish anywhere in China , from high class hotels to family-run restaurants on the street .

  9. 但是与俄罗斯女子达利亚相比,他们可都弱爆了。女土豪达利亚将自己镶满水晶的奔驰车停在这里的一家高级酒店外供所有人欣赏。

    But one Russian woman has given the young men a run for their money - by parking her crystal-encrusted Mercedes outside an exclusive hotel for the world to see .

  10. 为了让高级酒店借助智能化技术提高客房服务水平,文章提出并实现了一种客房管理与控制系统。

    In order to improve the service level of guest room in high-class hotels with the help of intelligent technologies , the author proposes and implements a management and control system .

  11. 要融入新的商业社区和应对频繁旅行的后勤问题,你会面临诸多挑战,因此现实中,旅途上的工作人生远远不像传统想象中的阳光目的地、头等舱航班和高级酒店那样光鲜。

    With the challenges that come with integrating into new business communities and dealing with the logistics of excessive travel , the reality of a working life on the road is a long way from the old-fashioned perception of the glamour of sun-drenched destinations , first-class flights and top hotels .

  12. JW品牌一直在培养对于高级豪华酒店的独特理解。

    The JW brand has since developed its own unique take on sophisticated luxury .

  13. 现担成都某高级商务酒店厨艺长兼总厨助理。

    Presently takes on the Chengdu some high-level commerce hotel long concurrently total kitchen assistant .

  14. 有可能是他跟情人周末偷偷约会的某个高级法式酒店。

    It 's probably some fancy French place where he 's meeting his lover for their secret weekly rendezvous .

  15. 曾在北京、上海、厦门、西安、广州、汕头等高级会所酒店任总厨。

    In Beijing , Shanghai , Xiamen , Xian , Guangzhou , Shantou , and other senior returned to the hotel by the chef .

  16. 广州豪悦酒店是按四星级标准装修,集商务活动,会议中心和休闲度假于一体的多功能高级商务酒店。

    The Guang Zhou Heroyear Hotel was built as4-star hotel , It is a senior business hotel . Including : Business activity , Conference center and Leisure service .

  17. 曾先后在珠海、深圳、湖南、辽宁、北京等地高级商务酒店任行政总厨,荣获第二届珠海美食节个人金牌。

    He was a member of Zhuhai , Shenzhen , Hunan , Liaoning , Beijing and other high-level business hotels Chief Chef , was awarded the second individual gold medal in Zhuhai Food Festival .

  18. 丽京国际酒店位于榆林市开发区明珠大道中部,它是集住宿、餐饮、会议为一体的高级商务酒店。

    The Li Beijing Hotel located at the Yulin development zone pearl main road middle , it is the collection lodging , the dining , the conference is a body 's high-level coercial hotel .

  19. 自动喷水灭火系统在高层建筑、高级宾馆、酒店等场所应用比较普遍,但施工质量的好坏直接影响着系统灭火效能的发挥。

    Automatic Sprinkling System is widely applied for high rise building and deluxe hotels and the quality of construction and installation are essential to the effective performance of this system .

  20. 宝福铂尔美酒店是集客房、餐饮、宴会、休闲、会议、娱乐、园林、高尔夫为一体的高级五星级酒店。

    Bofook Premier Hotel is collects guest room , dining , banquet , leisure , meeting , entertainment , landscape , golf , as one of the senior five-star hotel .

  21. 产品适用于高级宾馆,酒店,别墅,酒吧等场所的地面及背景装饰,深受广大消费者的好评。

    Products applied to the High Hotels , hotels , villas , bars and other establishments on the ground and background decoration , was the vast number of consumers at home .

  22. 远非这些,一间大型购物中心正在与会议中心和高级宴会厅竞争酒店底层的位置。

    Far below , on the ground floors , a vast shopping mall will vie for space with a conference center and a lavish ballroom .

  23. 美亚不锈钢系列产品是装饰高级会所、星级酒店、别墅的理想之选,广泛应用于护栏、扶手、门窗等设施。

    Meiya stainless steel has become the main choice of high-level chambers , saloon bars , hotels and villas , which are applied widely in guardrail , fence , window , gates , etc.