
zǎo táng
  • bath;bathhouse;public baths
澡堂 [zǎo táng]
  • [public baths] 专门供人洗澡的场所

  • 每周到公共澡堂两次

澡堂[zǎo táng]
  1. 在这座被毁坏的城市里,最重要的建筑物之一就是公共澡堂。

    One of the most important buildings in this ruined city is a public bath

  2. 人们叫这地方为“澡堂”

    People call this place the " bath house . "

  3. 我们每周去两次公共澡堂。

    We went twice a week to the public baths .

  4. 没有什么比温泉(onsen)和钱汤(sento,即公共澡堂)更能代表日本文化的了。

    There is nothing much more Japanese than Onsen and Sento : hot springs and communal public baths .

  5. 在这所Dongdaemun洗浴学院,学生们集中在一个铺了瓷砖的澡堂中学习如何用海绵手套给裸体客人擦洗。

    At his Dongdaemun Bath Academy , students gathered in a tiled shower room to learn how to scrub naked customers with a pair of sponge mitts .

  6. 在建筑施工时发现了一个古罗马澡堂。

    An old Roman Baths was discovered during the building work .

  7. 它现在正叮铃作响就像在澡堂一样

    and it is pinging like we 're at a bathhouse .

  8. 集市、游乐、酒吧、妓院、教堂、澡堂无所不包

    Of markets and playrooms and chapels and brothels and baths and bars

  9. 他高高兴兴地朝那盖得像是一座清真寺的澡堂走去。

    He walked cheerfully towards the mosque of the baths .

  10. 然后,我去了附近的澡堂与我的父亲。

    Then , I went to the nearest bathhouse with my father .

  11. 出了城门,还往南,他看见个澡堂子。

    He left the gate behind and saw a bath-house .

  12. 下一个进澡堂,穿上衣服,走。

    Next down in the banks , dress . let 's go .

  13. 他一定是在澡堂里作出的这一预报。

    He must have made it in his bathroom .

  14. 那个武士每天都去澡堂啊。

    The samurai goes to the bath house daily .

  15. 他们改变了此前的看法,对俄国澡堂的优点赞不绝口。

    They exchange opinions on qualities and advantages of Russian bath before others .

  16. 正在考虑降低公共澡堂周六票价的事情。

    In the pipeline now are lower prices for public baths on Saturdays .

  17. 你的意思是,你把房子造在了澡堂的上面?

    You mean , you built a house on top of a bath house ?

  18. 澡堂是人们洗淋浴的地方,所以他们都是光著身子的。

    A bath house is where people shower , which is why they 're naked .

  19. 她利用澡堂里的设备洗澡并保持干净。

    She uses the facilities at the bath house to wash and keep herself clean .

  20. 去澡堂的时候,他还是更喜欢泡池浴。

    He prefers to take a soaking bath each time he goes to the bathhouse .

  21. 现在,他们四个就无需浪费时间去公共澡堂排长队了。

    Now the four don 't have to waste time queuing at the communal showers .

  22. 再也不能去澡堂洗澡了。

    No more taking public showers .

  23. 澡堂装备沐浴设备的建筑。

    A building equipped for bathing .

  24. 发现有可疑男子在澡堂周围鬼鬼祟祟时,柯南不认滑倒、撞到自己(的脑袋)而失去意识。

    While watching a suspicious man skulk around the bathhouse , Conan slips and knocks himself unconscious .

  25. 酒店设施包括一座1000平米的水疗中心,内有一间公共澡堂,还有一间餐厅,由当地倍受欢迎的土耳其餐厅Hasir经营。

    Amenities include a 1000-sqare-meter spa with a hamam and a restaurant run by popular local Turkish restaurant Hasir .

  26. 在澡堂或者gaybar,一些男人穿着非常夸张凸显极致的男性魅力。

    In baths and gay bars , some gays dressed up as caricatures of the most macho of men .

  27. 阿勒波城中随处可见建于13、14世纪的旅馆、学校、土耳其澡堂和教堂。

    The old city is overfilled with caravanserais , schools , hammams and churches of 13th and 14th centuries .

  28. 澡堂关门时,还会给她开一个电视,这样她就不会觉得孤单或者害怕。

    When the centre is closed they leave a TV switched on so she doesn 't feel lonely or scared .

  29. 有些单位的职工不只分享工作环境,还分享宿舍,澡堂,餐厅。

    In addition to sharing their place of work , many employees share their bedrooms , bathrooms and dining rooms .

  30. 在澡堂里,人们可以洗澡,放松,享受足底按摩或者全身按摩。

    At the centres people can take a bath , getclean , relax and enjoy a foot or body massage .