
  • 网络Private University;University;private;College
  1. 所以在这里你能同时看到两条平行的人生轨迹一边是在这所精英的私立大学上学的孩子另外一边是在附近社区的孩子他们中有一些也在努力去读大学但是他们中的大多数却身陷囹圄

    So you 've got these two parallel journeys going on simultaneously11 : the kids attending this elite12 , private university , and the kids from the adjacent neighborhood , some of whom are making it to college , and many of whom are being shipped to prison .

  2. 美国私立大学内部管理体制研究

    The Study on Internal Management System of Private University in America

  3. 很多私立大学正在大发其财。

    Many private colleges are coining it

  4. 这所私立大学的许可证是1985年颁发的。

    The private college 's charter was granted in 1985 .

  5. 私立大学是赚钱机构。

    Private universities are money-making institutions .

  6. 美国大学理事会(CollegeBoard)的数据显示,四年私立大学又需要16万美元。

    Four years of private college is another $ 160,000 , according to the College Board .

  7. CollegeBoard称,过去10年,除去通胀,公立大学的学费每年上涨5.6%,私立大学的学费每年上涨3%。

    In the past decade , tuition rates at public universities have risen 5.6 per cent a year above inflation , while fees at private college have increased by 3 per cent a year , the College Board says .

  8. 苏顿信托(suttontrust)最近的一份报告显示,与过去相比,牛津剑桥及私立大学毕业生在英国一些顶尖行业中更占优势。

    According to a recent report from the Sutton Trust , there is even more dominance by Oxbridge and private schools in some of the top UK professions than there used to be .

  9. 在与进入医学院的朋友聊天时,他发现,来自哈佛(harvard)和哥伦比亚(columbia)等私立大学的犹太学生被录取了,与自己同校的非犹太人也被录取了。

    Talking to friends who did get into medical school , he discovered that Jewish students from private universities such as Harvard and Columbia had been accepted , as had non-Jewish friends at city college .

  10. 经济学家通常认为大学文凭是物有所值的,不过PayScale的最新研究给那些想要主修商科的学生带来了更好的消息:你没必要去昂贵的私立大学来获得最大的回报。实际上,州立大学往往更胜一筹。

    Economists generally agree that a college degree pays off , but new research from PayScale has even better news for students planning on majoring in business : You don 't have to go to a pricey private school to reap the biggest return . In fact , you 're often better off at a state school .

  11. 美国私立大学发展的社会条件分析

    Analysis of the Social Conditions of American Private Universities ' Development

  12. 民国时期私立大学发展的政策环境

    The Policy Environment of Private University Development in Chung-hua Min-kuo Period

  13. 近代中国私立大学的办学特色及其启示

    On characteristics and revelation in running private universities in Chinese modern times

  14. 国家通过立法,为私立大学的发展提供法律保障;

    The country has guaranteed the development of private colleges by legislating .

  15. 日本私立大学发展面临的课题

    Problems Confronted in the Development of Private Universities in Japan

  16. 内部评估则是私立大学的自我评估。

    The internal evaluation is performed by private colleges and universities themselves .

  17. 近代私立大学校长的体育观

    Private School Principals ' Ideas on the Physical Education in Modern Times

  18. (英美等)私立大学大约有25万名教师受聘于私立中小学。

    Some 250,000 teachers are employed by private elementary and secondary schools .

  19. 日本政府对私立大学宏观调控研究

    The Study on the Government Macro - control to Japanese Private University

  20. 转型期中的日本私立大学:特征、危机与未来发展方向

    Japanese Private Universities in Transition : Characteristics , Crisis and Future Directions

  21. 第三部分:国家私学观对私立大学的发展方向、规模等具有重要影响。

    Part three : the country has important influence to the private colleges .

  22. 私立大学与近代中国萌芽中的市民社会

    Private University and the Resident Society under the Embryonic Stage in Modern China

  23. 政府对私立大学财政资助制度及其评价功能:日本的经验和启示

    Public Financial Aids to Private Universities and Its Function of Evaluation in Japan

  24. 公立与私立大学的特征:历史的视角

    Characteristics of Public Universities and Private Universities Historical Analysis

  25. 日本私立大学的招生危机

    The Enrollment Crisis of Private Universities in Japan

  26. 近代私立大学是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,为中华民族的振兴乃至新中国的建设培养和输送了大批人才,而且也为中国民办高等教育的发展积累了丰富的经验。

    Private universities were an important part of China higher education in modern times .

  27. 日本私立大学管理体制特色概说

    The Managerial Features of Private University in Japan

  28. 日本经济繁荣时期私立大学发展简述

    Japanese Private University during Japan Economic Prosperous Period

  29. 我国近代著名民族私立大学的办学特色探析

    Exploration of the Features of our Country 's National Private Universities in Recent Times

  30. 日本私立大学的倒闭及启示

    The Enlightenment from the Close Down of the Private - run Universities in Japan