
  • 网络secularization;Secular;secularism;worldly
  1. 然而现代社会的世俗化使得这两个前提不复存在

    But secularization of modernity society made the two prerequisites impossibility .

  2. 然而,现代社会的世俗化,使得这两个前提不复存在。

    But secularization of modernity society made the two prerequisites impossible .

  3. 教皇不大为世俗化的西方感到悲悯。

    The Pope had no great sympathy for the secularized West .

  4. 世俗化语境与世纪末中国文学

    Secular Context and the End-of - the - Century Chinese Literature

  5. 论新时期文学的世俗化审美追求

    On the worldly aesthetic pursuit of literature in the new era

  6. 伊朗非世俗化进程的性质与演化趋势

    Iran 's de-secularization process : its nature and trend of change

  7. 罗易在印度世俗化进程中的作用

    The Role of Roy in the Progress of Secularization in India

  8. 医生的超然与介入文学世俗化嬗变论

    Aloofness and Empathy of the Doctor Evolution of Literature towards Worldliness

  9. 唐诗中凤凰意象的世俗化和唯美化

    The Secularization and Glorification of Phoenix Image in Tang Poetry

  10. 小说中,鲁滨逊信仰的是已经世俗化了的宗教。

    In the novel , what Crusoe believes is the secularized religion .

  11. 试析费里教育世俗化改革

    A Preliminary Study of Ferry 's Reform for Secular Education

  12. 论民间祭祀神佛形象的世俗化楚剧在民间

    On Secularism of Sacrifice to Divine beings among the People

  13. 略论明代传奇历史剧叙事的世俗化倾向

    Narrative Secular Trend in Historical Legend Dramas in Ming Dynasty

  14. 第五,埃及由一个政教合一的封建制国家成为一个世俗化的现代国家。

    Lastly , it made modern Egypt a secular country .

  15. 世俗化与法国天主教的现代定位

    The Secularization and the Contemporary Orientation of Catholicism in France

  16. 近现代泰国佛教的世俗化趋向

    The secularized tendency of Buddhism in Thailand in modern times

  17. 从《诗经》看宗教活动的世俗化

    Activities On the Secularization of Religious Rites in The Book of Songs

  18. 世俗化即非神圣化,它意指一个漫长的社会变化过程。

    Popularization means non-apotheosis , and it means extensive process of society change .

  19. 艺术世俗化的意义&论本雅明的大众文化批评

    The Signification of Arts Popular-Converting & On Benjamin 's Critics of Popular Culture

  20. 新疆现代化进程中人的现代化与宗教世俗化

    Modernization of Xinjiang , Modernization Progression of Human Being and Secularization of Religion

  21. 略论中国佛教的世俗化与人间佛教

    Secularization of Chinese Buddhism and ″ Mundane Buddhism ″

  22. 我觉得许多人都被严重地世俗化了

    We have secularized badly , I would argue .

  23. 第二部分就思想倾向方面的拓展,特别是世俗化问题进行分析。

    The second part analysis Secularization tendency of thought .

  24. 这种关系主要是在宗教的世俗化过程中体现出来的。

    This kind of relation was mainly embodied in the secularization of religion .

  25. 自然法学与法的神圣化和世俗化

    Natural Law and Law Becoming Sacred and Common Customs

  26. 教派矛盾与印度的政治世俗化进程

    A Relationship Between the Process of Secularization and the Contradiction of Hindu vs. Muslim

  27. 其一,文学的边缘化带来了审美经验的世俗化、私人化倾向。

    First , the marginalization of literature brought aesthetic experience secular , privatization trend .

  28. 第七部分论述意大利国际哥特式绘画中的世俗化倾向;

    Part VII elucidates the secular trend in the International Gothic Style in Italy .

  29. 宗教、科学理性和世俗化趋势之间具有动态的、多样性的联系。

    There are dynamic various relations among religion , scientific rationality and secularizing trend .

  30. 因应这种情况,基督教大学逐渐出现世俗化的倾向。

    To adjust to the situation , civilization tended to appear in Christian college .