
  1. 中国已加入WTO,作为世界经济组织成员之一,我们必须以全球的视角来处理问题,因此,本文认为将来会计核算制度的改革必将朝着国际化发展。

    So I predict that accounting system innovation would development towards to internationalization .

  2. 今天,世界经济组织是非常不同的,更加综合和负责任的。

    Today , the organisation of the world economy is very different , much more integrated and responsible .

  3. 作为金砖国家飞速发展的结果,世界经济组织在过去十年中有所改变,从传统的西方经济大国向新兴经济市场转变。

    As a result of the rapid growth and development of the BRICS , the organization of economic power in the last decade is changing resulting in a transition of economic power from the traditional leaders of the West to emerging markets .

  4. 我们将讨论领导全世界经济的组织的角色,例如欧洲盟会,经济合作与发展组织(“OECD”),在电子商务课税待遇和税收政策方面已达到的明确共识。

    The role of the leading global organizations e.g. European Union , the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (" OECD ") in formulating tax policy and international census on a consistent tax treatment for e-commerce is discussed .

  5. 国际贸易、国际资本流动、跨国公司及世界性经济组织是经济全球化下一国产业结构开放及互动的主要作用机制。

    The world trade , the flowing of international capital , the multinational corporation and the international economic organizations are the new forming and changing mechanism for the industrial structure .

  6. 中国在这一世界顶尖经济组织中的投票权重仅为4%(勉强达到中国在全球经济总量中所占比重的三分之一),这非常荒谬。

    It is absurd that China 's voting share of the world 's top economic body is just 4 per cent - barely a third of its dollar weighting in the global economy .

  7. 有关世界性经济组织和金融机构推出的动产担保交易法(示范法),也为大陆法系动产担保制度改革的实施提供了范本。

    And the personal security transaction modle law drafted out by the international economic organization and the finance institution , had provided the modle for the carrying into execution of the reform in the personal security system of the civil law .

  8. 网络经济和世界经济一体化使得组织结构采用新的形式:网络式组织。

    Internet economy and the economic globalization make the organization structure adopt a new form : network organization .

  9. 1950年,在世界经济与合作组织成员国里,年龄在20-64岁间的人与65岁及65岁以上的老年人的比例为7.2。

    In 1950 there were 7.2 people aged 20-64 for every person of 65 and more in the OECD .

  10. 东北亚地区虽有各种合作优势,但其经济合作明显落后于世界其他经济合作组织。

    Although there are various cooperative advantages in the Northeast Asia , the economic cooperation in the area obviously lags behind other economic cooperation organizations .

  11. 家族企业是人类历史上最早出现并活跃在当今世界经济的企业组织形式,因而是具有深刻历史内涵和现实意义的研究课题。

    Family businesses are the oldest organizational form of firms and nowadays they are still ubiquitous and active all over the world . Researches of family business have both historical connotation and realistic significance .

  12. 作为世界三大经济组织之一的世界银行,除了发挥其本来的经济职能之外,已成为世界各国教育发展外部资金支持的最大来源。

    The World Bank , as one of the three world economic organizations , fulfils its economic functions . Besides , it has become the biggest source of the funds providing for the education development of countries in the world .

  13. 联合国工业发展组织(UNIDO),世界经济合作与发展组织(OCED)等国际机构研究推广产业集群。

    International institutes like UNIDO and OCED studied and spread industrial clusters .

  14. 近年来,世界各国经济中网络组织形式的普遍兴起引起了理论界的广泛重视,推动着企业网络理论的快速发展。

    In recent years , the world economy , the rise of network organizations form the universal theory sector attracted extensive attention , and promote the rapid development of enterprise network theory .

  15. 随着世界经济一体化、全球化进程的日益加快,以及中国加入世界贸易组织,已经完全纳入世界经济圈的我国各企业面对世界各大型经济组织的竞争和挑战也日益激烈。

    With the velocity of the world unifying economy and globalization getting faster and faster and also with the china 's entrance of WTO , the drastic competition and challenges our enterprises face worldwide huge economy organizations becomes hot .

  16. 论文第二部分从介绍世界贸易组织及有关零售服务贸易协定入手展开分析。世界贸易组织是世界经济组织的三大支柱之一,在世界经济的发展中扮演着重要的角色。

    WTO is one of the three stanchions supporting the world economy , and play an important role in the development of world economy .