
  • 网络world literature;international literature
  1. 它的名字叫勇气书店(DauntBooks),位于马里布恩,不仅是绝佳的综合书店,还是我去过的最佳旅行与世界文学书店,店内的书架按国家分类。

    Daunt Books in Marylebone is not only an excellent general bookshop , but also one of the finest travel and world literature bookstores I 've ever been to , with shelves organized by country .

  2. 湖南文学接受世界文学的模式、反思与构想

    Modes , Introspections and Conceptions of Hunan Literature Accepting World Literature

  3. 西奥多·德莱塞(TheodoreDreiser,1871&1945),作为20世纪美国最伟大小说家之一,他的小说对美国乃至世界文学都产生了重大影响。

    Theodore Dreiser ( 1871-1945 ) was one of the greatest American novelists in 20th century , his works have made a great impact upon American literature and even the literature of the world .

  4. 世界文学的命运与比较文学的前景

    Fate of ″ World Literature ″ and Future of Comparative Literature

  5. 他的作品在世界文学史上有很大的影响。

    His works have a great influence on the world literature .

  6. 《哈姆雷特》在世界文学史上是颗永不衰落的恒星。

    Hamlet was and eternal star in the world literature .

  7. 试析世界文学中的乌托邦现象

    An Analysis of the Utopian Phenomenon in the World Literature

  8. 这种个性即使是放到世界文学的大视野来观察同样是很罕见的。

    This characteristic is peculiar even in the world literature .

  9. 比较文学的最高境界是世界文学阶段。

    The summit of comparative literature is the stage of world literature .

  10. 中国世界文学观念的逆向发展与正向发展

    The Retrogression and Progression of the Concept of World Literature in China

  11. 我的世界文学课通过了。

    I got a pass in my world lit course .

  12. 爱与死在世界文学中总有不解之缘。

    Love and death run close together in the world 's literature .

  13. 《十日谈》是意大利文艺复兴时期卜加丘撰写的一部世界文学名著。

    Decameron is a world-famous literary work in the Italian Renaissance period .

  14. 培根被认为是世界文学中最伟大的散文家。

    Bacon is considered the greatest essayist in World Literature .

  15. 唐诗是世界文学宝库中的一颗灿烂明珠。

    Tang Poem is a brilliant pearl in the world literature treasury .

  16. 以比较文学与世界文学教学为平台,多样性进行爱国主义教育

    Multi - channel Patriotism Education by Teaching Comparative Literature and World Literature

  17. 《虹》的成功不仅给读者以深深的感染,而且对世界文学产生了深远的影响。

    His success has a great and deep influence on world literature .

  18. 论契诃夫对世界文学发展的杰出贡献

    Chekhov 's Outstanding Contribution to the Development of World Literature

  19. 世界文学背景中的中国文学选择

    Chinese literary choice in the background of world literature

  20. 文学翻译与世界文学&再论歌德笔下的中国女诗人

    Literature Translation and World Literature-Further Remarks on Goethe 's " Chinese Poetess "

  21. 站在经济发展的平台上看世界文学

    Viewing World Literature on the Platform of Economic Development

  22. 我相信,它同样也是世界文学的经典。

    It is also , I believe , a masterpiece of world literature .

  23. 名著《呼啸山庄》在世界文学史上有独特的魅力。

    The famous novel Wuthering Heights has its special enchantment in world literature .

  24. 利用因特网教学,让不同文化背景下的学生共同欣赏世界文学

    Connecting Students from Different Cultures via the Internet Teaching

  25. 《简·爱》是19世纪英国女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特的代表作,也是世界文学园地中的一朵奇葩。

    Jane Eyre is the masterpiece of the England female novelist Charlotte Bronte .

  26. 本文在新学科的范围内,对世界文学的性质、学科历史、学科使命等问题进行了探讨。

    This paper discusses the nature , history and task of world literature .

  27. 论中国文学在世界文学史上的地位

    On the Status of Ch in ese Literature in the History of World Literature

  28. 二十世纪美国黑人作家对美国文学的发展做出了不可磨灭的贡献,他们的作品极大地丰富了美国文学,同时也对世界文学的创作产生了巨大的影响。

    Afro-American writers have made great contribution to American literature in the 20th century .

  29. 光源氏&世界文学多余人形象的雏形

    Hikaru Genji & an Embryo of " Superfluous Man " Image in World Literature

  30. 深度追求是民族文学和世界文学的共通点。

    Deep pursuit is the common point for both national literature and world literature .