
  • 网络world fellowship of buddhists;WFB;World Fellowship of Buddhists WFB;wcldFellwshipofBuddhists
  1. 在1956年召开的第五届世界佛教徒联谊会上,它被正式确定为佛教的教徽。

    At the Fifth Conference of World Fellowship of Buddhists held in1956 , it was formally identified as the religious emblem of Buddhism .

  2. 世界青年佛教徒联谊会

    World Fellowship of Buddhist Youth

  3. 世界青年佛教徒联谊会观音菩萨是西方极乐世界教主阿弥陀佛的左胁侍,为西方三圣之一。

    World Fellowship of Buddhist Youth The Goddess of Mercy , known as one of " the Three Saints of the West ", is an important assistant of Amitabha , the founder of the " Western Paradise " .