
  • 网络secular state;secular country;secular nation
  1. 墨西哥是个世俗国家,和梵蒂冈没有外交关系。

    Mexico is a secular state and does not have diplomatic relations with the Vatican

  2. 一个现代的世俗国家如何和与宗教社团共存?因为两者的价值观和律法都不一样。

    How does a modern secular state coexist with the religious community , which bases its existence on different values and laws ?

  3. 第二阶段,是由世俗国家或者宗教的权威来发布的法律命令;

    At second stage , it was the legal order that announced by the country or the religion ;

  4. 梵蒂冈的使节通常比世俗国家的使节驻节时间更长(一名教廷大使曾在都柏林带了26年)。

    Vatican envoys usually stay longer en poste than secular ones ( one nuncio was in Dublin for 26 years ) .

  5. 这项诉讼指责正义与发展党寻求破坏这个世俗国家,还包括可能禁止总理埃尔多安在5年内从事政治活动。

    The case accuses the party of seeking to undermine the secular state and includes a possible political ban of five years for Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan .

  6. “我不理解为什么一个在世俗国家由公款建立起来的世俗的机构会给人们强加宗教和文化价值,”她告诉新西兰先驱报。

    " I don 't understand why a secular institution , funded by public money in a secular state , is imposing religious and cultural values on people ," she told the New Zealand Herald newspaper .

  7. 但是,西方世俗民主国家也容易受到激进伊斯兰主义狂热分子的攻击。

    But western secular democracies are also vulnerable to assaults from true believers in militant Islamism .

  8. 第五,埃及由一个政教合一的封建制国家成为一个世俗化的现代国家。

    Lastly , it made modern Egypt a secular country .