
jué shì yuè
  • jazz
爵士乐 [jué shì yuè]
  • [jazz] 一种舞曲音乐,20世纪初产生于美国[爵士,英 jazz]

  1. 这张专辑唱片让我初次接触了现代爵士乐。

    This album was my first introduction to modern jazz .

  2. 牙买加的雷盖音乐完全不同于北美的爵士乐或布鲁斯音乐。

    Jamaican reggae music is quite distinct from North American jazz or blues .

  3. 作为爵士乐歌手,她比大多数同行都要出色。

    As a jazz singer she 's in a class of her own .

  4. 他给我们讲述他当爵士乐钢琴师时的事,逗我们开心。

    He regaled us with tales of his days as a jazz pianist .

  5. 我弹奏爵士乐只是一种业余爱好。

    I only play jazz as a hobby .

  6. 我对爵士乐从未真正产生过兴趣。

    Jazz has never really turned me on .

  7. 这张唱片中收集了爵士乐与流行音乐两种风格相结合的精彩作品。

    The album was an exciting jazz-pop crossover .

  8. 爵士乐对于我来说是不可或缺的。

    Jazz is mother 's milk to me .

  9. 我喜欢爵士乐远胜过摇滚乐。

    I much prefer jazz to rock music .

  10. 他使她对爵士乐产生了兴趣。

    He turned her on to jazz .

  11. 50名当地的音乐家,用个双关词,“联合起来”(band亦有“乐队”之意)组成了“爵士乐大联盟”。

    Fifty local musicians have , to coin a phrase , banded together to form the Jazz Umbrella .

  12. Pop-Pop是她最具有爵士乐风格的一张专辑。

    ' Pop-Pop ' is her jazziest album ever .

  13. 我们正在考虑今晚去爵士乐俱乐部。

    We 're thinking of going to a jazz club tonight .

  14. 他是现代爵士乐最有影响力的表演者之一。

    He was one of the most influential performers of modern jazz

  15. 马萨利斯在爵士乐和古典音乐领域都有极高的声望。

    Marsalis has a formidable reputation in both jazz and classical music

  16. 他喜爱爵士乐,喜欢它的切分音。

    It was jazz music he loved , its syncopations .

  17. 他的音乐把爵士乐的节奏和古典乐的形式结合在了一起。

    His music fused the rhythms of jazz with classical forms

  18. 小号手马库斯·贝尔格雷夫为年轻艺术家办了一个爵士乐研习班。

    Trumpeter Marcus Belgrave ran a jazz workshop for young artists

  19. 佩奇精通多种风格的爵士乐。

    Page is well versed in many styles of jazz .

  20. 玩音乐的人在街角大声弹奏起尖锐刺耳的爵士乐。

    Musicians blast their brassy jazz from street corners .

  21. 音乐在爵士乐和乡村布鲁斯乐之间来回转换。

    The sound veers between jazz and countrified blues .

  22. 他那个时期的音乐将爵士乐的韵律和古典音乐的形式融合在了一起。

    His music of that period fused the rhythms of Jazz with classical forms

  23. 本·坦卡德的爵士乐使众人为之叫绝。

    Ben Tankard wowed the crowd with his jazz .

  24. 随着迈尔斯·戴维斯的去世,爵士乐界失去了其最与众不同的声音。

    When Miles Davis died , jazz was robbed of its most distinctive voice

  25. 这种节奏有些乡土爵士乐风格。

    It 's a funky sort of rhythm .

  26. 那时,他高超的小号吹奏技巧在爵士乐界无人能比。

    At that time , his virtuosity on the trumpet had no parallel in jazz .

  27. 她抗议说那根本不是传统爵士乐,而是令人憎恶的噪音。

    She protested that it wasn 't traditional jazz at all , but an unholy row

  28. 两人联手在一架钢琴上演奏爵士乐。

    Two people played jazz on a piano

  29. 事实证明他先前融合了爵士乐、流行乐和非洲旋律的作品非常成功。

    His previous fusions of jazz , pop and African melodies have proved highly successful .

  30. 调子基本还是老调子,但已在很大程度上转变为爵士乐风格。

    The tune is basically the same as the old one , but considerably jazzed up .