
jué wèi
  • title of nobility;the rank of nobility;rank(or title)of nobility
爵位 [jué wèi]
  • [rank(or title)of nobility] 君主国家封贵族的等级

爵位[jué wèi]
  1. 合众国不得颁发任何爵位。

    No title of nobility shall be granted by the United states .

  2. 国公,应是开国勋臣所封授的爵位。

    Guo gong is a title of nobility granted to founders of a state .

  3. 现在的公爵承袭的是他父亲的爵位。

    The present duke inherited the title from his father .

  4. 亚历山德拉公主将会继承法夫女公爵的爵位。

    Princess Alexandra was to inherit the title of Duchess of Fife

  5. 他没有爵位,也不是巨额财产的继承人。

    He had no title and was not the heir to a great estate .

  6. 首相授予他贵族爵位。

    The Prime Minister offered him a peerage

  7. 她母亲是个有爵位的贵夫人。

    Her mother was a titled lady .

  8. 西班牙贵族中爵位最高的成员乃是大公。

    The highest-ranking member of the spanish aristocracy is the grandee .

  9. 没有直系后裔,谁来继承爵位呢?

    With no direct descendent , who will succeed to the title ?

  10. 日前,《哈利·波特》原作J·K·罗琳被英国皇室授予“荣誉勋爵”,这是英国的勋章和爵位的最高等级,除了罗琳以外,目前只有64人获此殊荣。

    J.K. Rowling was awarded a rare distinction by the royal family - so extraordinary that there are only 64 other people currently holding the title .

  11. 2008年8月15日,国王哈拉尔五世(KingHaraldV)授予奥拉夫爵位,并在授予典礼上声明奥拉夫在各方面都有资格获得骑士爵位的荣誉和尊严。

    He was knighted on 15th August , 2008 , which was approved by King Harald V , who stated during the ceremony that Nils was in every way qualified to receive the honour and dignity of knighthood .

  12. 3年前,出生于伦敦东北部钦福特(Chingford)的他因“对设计和企业做出杰出贡献”获封爵位。

    Sir Jonathan , who was born in Chingford in northeast London , was knighted for " services to design and enterprise " three years ago .

  13. 打败你的敌人,提升你在王室里的爵位。

    Defeat your enemies and rise to the position of aristocrat .

  14. 听说今晚艾斯科家要举办爵位继承典礼

    I hear the ascots are marking Hamish 's succession tonight .

  15. 长子将继承其父之爵位。

    The eldest son will inherit the title from his father .

  16. 如果公爵没有孩子,谁继承他的爵位?

    If the duke has no children , who will succeed ?

  17. 你将继承城堡和爵位。

    You will receive the castle , the land and your title .

  18. 意大利男贵族,爵位在伯爵之上,公爵之下。

    An Italian nobleman ranking above a count and below a prince .

  19. 这是授封骑士爵位时的传统仪式。

    It was a traditional ceremony in creating a knight .

  20. 爵位和财产会给予周围的人一种光彩。

    Title and fortune communicate a splendor all around them .

  21. 他一死爵位就传给了他的儿子。

    Upon his demise the title passed to his son .

  22. 西班牙贵族中爵位最高的成员乃是大公

    The highest - ranking member of the spanish aristocracy be the grandee

  23. 他死后,爵位传给了长子。

    On his death , the title passed to his eldest son .

  24. 公爵死后,其长子要求继承爵位。

    After the Duke 's death , his eldest son claimed the title .

  25. 【典型范例】英国首相传统上会被授予可世袭的贵族爵位。

    British Prime Ministers are traditionally offered hereditary peerages .

  26. 如果来访者是一位男爵或爵位更高的人。

    If the visitor was a baron or above .

  27. 查理二世曾因其忠心授以皇家橡树爵位

    Charles II made you Knights of the Royal oak for your loyalty .

  28. 甲壳虫乐队中有多少人被女王授予了爵位?

    How many members of the Beatles have been knighted by the queen ?

  29. 在其父死后,侯爵就继承公爵的爵位。

    The marquis will succeed to the dukedom at his father 's death .

  30. 阿瑟爵士拥有的准男爵爵位可追溯至查理一世时代。

    Sir Arthur was the holder of a baronetcy dating back to Charles I.