
  • 网络Jazz piano
  1. 另外,他的爵士钢琴弹得很出色。

    And well , he plays a mean jazz piano .

  2. 他弹爵士钢琴曲弹得好极了。

    He plays excellent jazz piano .

  3. 查巴现在管理着俱乐部的60名员工,每个星期,他仍然会有几个晚上在这里演奏爵士钢琴。

    Chabaa still plays jazz piano several nights a week , as well as managing the club 's 60 employees .

  4. 除了小学音乐教育工作外,约翰享受弹奏爵士钢琴,驾著他的有蓬卡车去旅行及间中去滑水。

    In addition to his work in primary education John enjoys playing jazz piano , touring in his caravan and occasional water-skiing .

  5. 高中毕业后的两年里,她就读于北德克萨斯州大学,主修爵士钢琴。

    For two years following her graduation from high school , she studied at the University of North Texas , majoring in jazz piano .

  6. 他试图在这个宇宙里讲述的人类故事——一位在濒死前发现自己被困在“生之来处”的爵士钢琴演奏家——是充满温情和吸引力的。

    And the smaller , human narrative he tries to tell within that universe - about a jazz pianist who finds himself stuck in the Great Before after a near-death experience - is sweet and charming .

  7. 她过去在一支爵士乐队演奏钢琴。

    She used to play piano in a jazz band .

  8. 许多爵士三重奏小姐由钢琴、吉他和低音提琴组成。

    Many jazzz trios consist of a piano , guitar and double bass .

  9. 以醇厚爵士音乐及年轻钢琴手陈隽骞的浪漫钢琴恋曲,谱出动人旋律,让你沉醉在这回廊中!

    The romantic piano by young pianist Phoebus Chan and Jazz melodies will certainly bring you to the exotic " Music Corridor " filled with love and tender passion !