
  • 网络Jazz-Rock;JAZZ ROCK;Jazz-rock fusion;Rock
  1. 大学广播站播放所有类型的音乐,从爵士到摇滚。

    College stations play all kinds of music from jazz to hard rock .

  2. 整场演出集合电子、爵士、摇滚等多重元素,让观众亲身感受到现场音乐带来的震撼魅力。

    The show is a combination of such elements as electronic , jazz , rock music , which provided the audience an opportunity to appreciate music live .

  3. 音乐的类型各式各样,古典、爵士、摇滚、流行、嘻哈和节奏蓝调只是其中一些。

    There are various kinds of music : classical , jazz , rock'n'roll , pop , hip-pop , and R & B , just to name a few .

  4. 爵士让位给摇滚,再被扭扭舞取代,接下来是民谣、摇滚、灵乐、放克、重金属、迪斯科、朋克、雷鬼、嘻哈等等(我略过了曼波音乐,但它确实在某些地方颇有影响力)。

    Jazz gave way to rock and then to the twist , folk , rock again , soul , funk , heavy metal , disco , punk , reggae , hip-hop and so on ( I left out mambo , but it is there , somewhere ) .

  5. 怀恩豪斯的专辑《BacktoBlack》融爵士、灵魂、摇滚及经典流行音乐于一体,曾获五项格莱美大奖,2007年她成功跻身国际明星之列。

    Winehouse became an international star in2007 when she won five Grammy Awards with her album " Back to Black ," which combined jazz , soul , rock and classic pop .

  6. 爵士:粗犷、摇滚乐型。

    Jazz : Bold 、 Rock and roll style .

  7. 中国的流行音乐向来有着混杂的历史,它曾吸纳过美国的爵士、流行和摇滚乐等诸多元素。

    China 's popular music has long had a hybrid past , including elements from American jazz , pop , and rock and roll .