
  1. 托尼·本奈特(TonyBennett)和LadyGaga唱了《脸贴脸》(CheektoCheek),这是一首有80年历史的老歌,由伊芙·柏林(IrvingBerlin)原唱;

    Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga sang " Cheek to Cheek , " an 80-year-old song by Irving Berlin ;

  2. 这个罕见的店名本是一首歌,原唱是瑞典深受欢迎的摇滚乐队肯特(Kent),这片轻松休闲的空间总是回荡着它忧伤的旋律。

    The unusual name references a song by the popular Swedish rock band Kent , whose melancholy melodies fill the casual space .

  3. 曾在原唱版本中演唱的斯莫奇·罗宾逊称,

    Smoky Robinson , who sang on the original ,

  4. 因为它本身是一首很棒的韩文歌,我很崇拜那个原唱韩国歌手。而且这首歌的旋律一流,非常吸引我的注意。

    Because it is a very good Korean song and I very admire the original singer from Korea and I think this song has a very very classic tune and really catches my attention .

  5. 部分责任归于大批歌坛后来者们对这些曲目任意的翻唱,或许这样的翻唱为他们带来了更多的销量和名气,但却一直无法在歌艺和意境方面达到原唱的高度。

    Partly to blame were the scores of late-comers who covered these songs every which way they could , achieving more sales and fame perhaps , but never quite matching the excellence of the original .

  6. 这项专利还允许用户录制自己的歌声,以便日后编辑。同时,数字化音波还可使用户将他们的歌声与原唱进行对比。

    The patent also proposes allowing users to record their performances and edit them later , while a digital sound wave read out would also allow them to see how they had performed compared to the original .

  7. 这项专利还允许用户录制自己的歌声,以便日后编辑。同时,数字化音波还可使用户将他们的歌声与原唱进行对比。

    The patent also proposes allowing users to record their performances and edit them later , while a digital sound wave read out would also allow them to see how they had performed compared to the original 。

  8. 44岁的王旭和29岁的刘刚在上海体育场的舞台与歌曲原唱汪峰一起演绎了《春天里》,场内约有8万名观众见证了这一时刻。

    Wang Xu , 44 , and Liu Gang , 29 , sang " In the Spring " alongside the song ` s star composer Wang Feng , in front of about 80,000 people at the Shanghai Stadium .

  9. 路易斯在选歌上展示自己的明智,选择了“蛇神”的“季节时光”,他在不偏离原唱风格的基础上新鲜重组了一些,这让评委大为吃惊。

    Lewis showed some smarts on his song choice , picking the Zombies ' " Time of the Season . " He freshened up the arrangement a bit without going so far afield that it scared the judges .

  10. 切尔西常常听我们提起她的童年故事。她知道,自己的名字是来自约尼·米切尔原唱、朱迪·科林斯翻唱的歌曲《切尔西的清晨》。这首歌是1978年那个美妙的圣诞假期,她父亲和我在伦敦切尔西区逛街时听到的。

    Chelsea has heard us tell stories about her childhood many times : She knows she was named after Judy Collins 's version of Joni Mitchell 's song " Chelsea Morning , " which her father and I heard as we strolled around Chelsea district in London , during the wonderful vacation we took over Christmas in 1978 .