- 网络primary ore

Study on primary ore processing and smelting in a large gold mine
An approach to the mechanism of transformation of primary ore into oxidized ore in Carlin-type gold deposits
The unweathered ores of the Lufeng pyrite deposit in Guangdong generally contain gold associations of which those grading more than 0.3 g / t occur above the - 100 m level .
Study on chemical model of exogenic leaching transformation of clay minerals in the primary ores of fine grain disseminated gold deposit
The mainly orebody is typic arrangement assemblage feature of sulphide of sediment orogenic copper ore because primary mineral has obviously zonation .
Rutile resource is rich in our country , but rutile ore grade is low and the product is poor competitive because of its high production cost .
The resources of natural rutile in our country is primary low-grade ore , eclogite-type rutile deposit is characterized as large , thick ore body , easy to exploration and mining .
Through above technical reconstruction the operating capacities of the grinding and classification circuit were increased from 1 750t / d up to 1 985t / d. The benefits made by the reconstruction are very obvious .
The results of technical and economic analysis of two gold leach processes of a high arsenic gold ore are introduced in this paper .
The floatability of a primary gold ore was researched .
Field observations and analysis indicate that the main materials of the waste rock dump are the host rock Middle Ordovician black shale and primary carbonate manganese ore.
The ore to be discussed here is a primary copper-gold ore containing a large amount of pyrite occurred in the quartz Lode .
To treat a certain hydrothermal alteration contact metamorphic proterozoic copper sulphide mine , the mineral processing flowsheet and reagent system were investigated and adjusted , and a flowsheet , which is structurally simple and easy to industrialize , was proposed .
The leaching optimum test indicates that the changes of leaching technological conditions will not influence recovery rate of gold of non-oxidized ore. A process of grinding simultaneously with leaching contributed to an increase of gold leaching rate by 3.5 % .
It described the comprehensive utilization of Mn , Ag , S in the mixed primary manganese ore by the combined technology of mineral separation and hydrometallurgy , and the best method of developing and utilizing the mixed primary manganese ore is expected to be found out .