
  • 网络murray
  1. 他们勘查了墨累河以南的地区。

    They explored the land to the south of the Murray river .

  2. 1998年,贝尔德离开贝尔实验室位于美国新泽西州宁静的墨累山园区,加入另一个具有传奇色彩的机构:位于加州的全录帕洛亚托研究中心(PARC)。

    In1998 he left the quiet Murray Hill , N.J. , campus of Bell Labs to join another fabled institution : Xerox PARC in Palo Alto , Calif.

  3. 反对者和赞成者势均力敌,此前澳大利亚各部长未能与来自南澳大利亚的独立参议员尼克•色诺芬(NickXenophon)达成协议。他要求对该法案进行修改,以便资助修缮境况不佳的墨累-达令河水利体系。

    The vote was tied after ministers failed to reach a deal with Nick Xenophon , an independent senator from South Australia , who had demanded amendments to the bill to finance improvements to the ailing Murray - Darling river system .

  4. 但是,由于他的骨架,作为Nacurrie众所周知,在1948年被发现天鹅山附近,在墨累河,它一直是他的头骨有最感兴趣的是要布朗教授的变化。

    But since his skeleton , known as Nacurrie , was discovered in1948 , near Swan Hill on the Murray River , it has been the changes to his skull that have been of most interest to Professor Brown .

  5. 本公司的颜色是取自墨累亚索尔塔尔坦。

    The Company colours are taken from the Murray Athol Tartan .

  6. 墨累河和达令河在阿得雷德以东汇合。

    The River Murray and the river darling join east of adelaide .

  7. 海河流域与墨累-达令流域管理比较研究

    Comparison of the Basin Management between the Murray-Darling Basin and Haihe River Basin

  8. 最让人恐慌的是,墨累-达令问题很有可能继续恶化。

    Most alarming of all , the Murray-Darling 's troubles are likely to worsen .

  9. 黄河流域与澳大利亚墨累&达令流域水管理对比分析

    The Comparative Research on Water Management Institution between the Yellow River Basin and Australian Murray-Darling Basin

  10. 牛津园于1958年在南澳宏伟的墨累河岸推出。

    Oxford Landing was established in1958 on the bands of the majestic murray river in south Australia .

  11. 霍华德总理认为,墨累-达令流域委员会在采取水资源剧变的应对措施方面行动过于迟缓。

    Mr Howard argues that the Murray-Darling Basin Commission moves too slowly to cope with all the upheaval .

  12. 墨累-达令的坏名声把游客撵走,他们不再来参加游船观光和垂钓旅游,也不再来游览流域的各种湖泊和湿地。

    The bad publicity put tourists off river cruises , fishing trips and visits to the basin 's various lakes and wetlands .

  13. 随着全球气候变暖,数以亿计的人们将会面临墨累-达令流域的居民今天所面临的生态危机。

    As the world warms up , hundreds of millions of people will face the same ecological crisis as the residents of the Murray-Darling basin .

  14. 海域使用管理开始步入法制化轨道。海河流域与墨累-达令流域管理比较研究

    Work began to make the management of sea areas more law-based . Comparison of the Basin Management between the Murray-Darling Basin and Haihe River Basin

  15. 随着澳大利亚人口的持续增长,城市的用水需求以及种植在墨累-达令流域农作物的用水需求也在直线上升。

    As Australia 's population continues to grow so does demand for water in the cities and for the crops that grow in the river basin .

  16. 大鹏澳海域水体磷的形态及其分布特征黄河流域与澳大利亚墨累&达令流域水管理对比分析

    SPECIATION AND DISTRIBUTION CHARACTERISTICS OF PHOSPHORUS IN WATERS OF DAPENG BIGHT The Comparative Research on Water Management Institution between the Yellow River Basin and Australian Murray-Darling Basin

  17. 和世界其它地方的工程师一样,澳大利亚的工程师满心欢喜地把水坝、河堰和水闸散布在墨累-达令流域,而不顾忌它们给下游所可能带来的影响。

    Like their counterparts elsewhere in the world , Australian engineers gaily pockmarked the basin with dams , weirs and locks , with little thought for what that would do downstream .

  18. 全球其它大河也在面临同样的情况,其中包括澳大利亚的墨累河,美国的科罗拉多河,以及西班牙和葡萄牙的塔霍河。

    Other important rivers around the world are suffering in the same way : the Murray in Australia , the Colorado in the US , the Tagus in Spain and Portugal .

  19. 聚联苯乙烯和石墨化碳黑固相萃取用于污水中雌激素的定量分析黄河流域与澳大利亚墨累&达令流域水管理对比分析

    Comparison of styrene divinyl benzene and graphitized carbon black solid phase extraction in estrogen quantification in sewage The Comparative Research on Water Management Institution between the Yellow River Basin and Australian Murray-Darling Basin

  20. 结果,墨累河最长的支流&达令河的流量变化巨大,它能小到长期平均值的0.04%,也能大到平均值的911%。

    As a result , the flow of the Darling , the longest tributary of the Murray , varies wildly , from as little as0.04 % of the long-term average to as much as911 % .

  21. 作为海路、陆路、铁路及航空的交通枢纽,阿德莱德要吞吐大量来自墨累河谷下游的货物,因为河口没有港口。

    A focus of rail , sea , air , and road transportation , it receives the bulk of the products of the lower Murray River Valley , which has no port at its mouth .

  22. 尽管墨累-达令是澳大利亚最长的内河系统,但在一个面积相当于法国和西班牙之和的河盆干枯以后,它的流量不再足以冲开个流向大海的通道。

    Although the Murray-Darling is Australia 's longest river system , draining a basin the size of France and Spain combined , it no longer carries enough water to carve its own path to the sea .

  23. 四周平原土壤肥沃,与东方和东南方的墨累低地交通方便,附近山区有矿藏,这一切都为城市的发展提供了有利的条件。

    The fertility of the surrounding plains , easy access to the Murray lowlands to the east and southeast , and the presence of mineral deposits in the nearby hills all contributed to the city 's growth .