
jué lù
  • rank and emolument of nobility;ranks and stipends
爵禄 [jué lù]
  • [rank of nobility and its salary] 官爵和俸禄

  1. 财贿不以动其心,爵禄不以移其志。(《三国演义》)

    Rich bribes cannot move him , nor will high rank and emoluments deflect his purpose .

  2. 财贿不以动其心,爵禄不以移其志。

    Rich bribes serve not to move him , nor do dignities and emoluments deflect his purpose .

  3. 可是我怎么可以因为自己贪婪爵禄而陷楚王于妄施官位之名呢?

    But I can 't make the king be reproached for abuse of appointment because of my greed .

  4. 这两支队伍之间的比赛气氛非常紧张,以至于选择保爵禄香槟酒的人一度拒绝进入场地。

    The atmosphere in their room was so competitively tense that at one point Pol Roger 's selector of the blind wines refused to enter .

  5. 第四部分,比较了世禄制和俸禄制的异同,指出世禄制实质上是贵族世袭制下爵禄合一的制度,因爵而制禄。

    Pointed out in the hereditary title system essence is under the aristocrat hereditary system the rank and emoluments gathers a system , but because of title makes the wealth .

  6. 俸禄制建立的过程则是爵禄分离,最终形成由官职大小决定俸禄高低的制度。

    The salary of a government official system establishment process is the rank and emoluments separation , finally forms by the government position size decides the salary of a government official height the system .

  7. 这样相持数年,就是为了决胜于一旦,如果吝惜爵禄和金钱,不肯用来重用间谍,以致因为不能掌握敌情而导致失败,那就是不仁到极点了。

    Hostile armies may face each other for years , striving for the victory which is decided in a single day . This being so , to remain in ignorance of the enemy 's condition simply because one grudges the outlay of a hundred ounces of silver in honors and emoluments , is the height of inhumanity .