
jué shì yuè duì
  • jazz band
  1. Amber餐厅的年夜饭还包含爵士乐队现场表演。

    Amber 's offering includes a live jazz band providing musical accompaniment .

  2. 贝丝说:“日落时分,他在我们好友ChristinaHendricksandGeoffreyArend家的屋顶上面请了私人爵士乐队演奏我最喜欢MilesDavis/JohnColtrane的歌曲《overlookingManhattan》!向我求婚。”

    Bethsaid : ' He proposed on our friends Christina Hendricks and Geoffrey Arend 's rooftop at sunset with a private jazz band playing my favorite Miles Davis / John Coltrane song overlooking Manhattan ! '

  3. 演出方既有布宜诺斯艾利斯爱乐乐团(BuenosAiresPhilharmonic),也有大型爵士乐队,更有配乐诗朗诵,记得提前查看网站usinadelarte.org上的演出信息。

    Performances range from the Buenos Aires Philharmonic to big band tunes to poetry / music combos , so check the website , usinadelarte.org , ahead of time .

  4. 他们派了一个爵士乐队来慰劳。

    They sent a jazz band to cheer up their allies .

  5. 他们听见一只爵士乐队正在远处演奏。

    They could hear a jazz band playing in the distance .

  6. 格什温的这首乐曲是为爵士乐队的领导者保罗惠特曼写得。

    Gershwin wrote the piece for jazz band leader Paul Whiteman .

  7. 他在一支爵士乐队中吹次中音萨克斯管。

    He plays the tenor saxophone in a jazz band .

  8. 她过去在一支爵士乐队演奏钢琴。

    She used to play piano in a jazz band .

  9. 希望你们在大西洋爵士乐队的伴奏下度过一个美好的夜晚!

    And wishes you a pleasant evening with the Atlantic jazz band !

  10. 周末还经常在爵士乐队中打鼓。

    And used to play drums with the jazz band on weekends .

  11. 有此爵士乐队中的乐师还受过高等教育。

    Some jazz bands have included musicians with university education ;

  12. 在学校我是爵士乐队的小号手。

    I was a trumpet player in the jazz band at school .

  13. 他们为自己的婚礼预雇了一个爵士乐队。

    They booked a jazz band for their wedding .

  14. 爵士乐队狂热地奏出了快速的旋律。

    The jazz band gave out with quick rhythms .

  15. 他是学院爵士乐队乐手吗?

    Did he play in a college jazz band ?

  16. 他在一个爵士乐队演奏萨克斯管。

    He plays the saxophone in a jazz band .

  17. 他们自称是独创性迪克西兰爵士乐队。

    They call themselves the original Dixieland jazz band .

  18. 你明天会去爵士乐队练习吗?

    So are you gonna go to the jazzy band and practise tomorrow ?

  19. 我听见一支爵士乐队在演奏。

    I could hear a jazz band playing .

  20. 上周我看到这支很棒的爵士乐队演出&他们合作非常默契。

    I saw this awesome jazz band last week C they were really tight .

  21. 热烈的舞蹈;热烈的爵士乐队;热烈的喇叭声和节奏。

    A torrid dance ; torrid jazz bands ; hot trumpets and torrid rhythms .

  22. 一个爵士乐队在我们身后演奏着音乐。

    A jazz band played in the background .

  23. 大型的伴舞或爵士乐队,通常以领头音乐家临时准备的独奏曲为特色。

    A large dance or jazz band usually featuring improvised solos by lead musicians .

  24. 鼓与低音提琴通常组成爵士乐队的节奏乐器组。

    The drums and double bass usually form the rhythm section of a jazz group .

  25. 我们合一个爵士乐队。

    We 'll start a jazz band .

  26. 那年,我们在阿肯色州南部的卡姆登市参加了一场与其他爵士乐队的竞赛。

    That year we entered a competition with other jazz bands in Camden in south Arkansas .

  27. 三年后,他组织起自己的爵士乐队并且很快享誉全球。

    Three years later , Coltrane organized his own jazz group which became famous around the world soon .

  28. 奥利佛·金是一个爵士乐队队长,请我到芝加哥入伙。

    King Oliver , the leader of a popular jazz band , asked me to join him in Chicago .

  29. 他喜欢大爵士乐队时代的音乐,尤其喜欢《黄昏时分》这首歌。

    He loved the music of the Big Band era , and none more than the song Twilight Time .

  30. 该饭店著名的老年爵士乐队仍在演奏战前人们最喜爱的歌曲,一些元老级乐师已是耄耋之年。

    Its signature old jazz band was still playing pre-war favourites , with some of the original octogenarian musicians .