
  • 网络St. Patrick's Day;St. Patricks Day;St Patrick’S Day;Saint Patrick’s Day;Saint Patrick's Day
  1. 影片的亮点在于:惶惶不安的母亲节、一个关于圣帕特里克节的惊悚故事,凯文•史密斯(KevinSmith)演绎万圣节的恶趣味、新年夜的约会暴力大反转像极了真人版的《猫与老鼠》。

    Highlights include a truly disturbing take on Mother 's Day , a dark and unsettling tale about St. Patrick 's Day , a dark , raunchy Halloween joke by Kevin Smith , and a broadly violent New Year 's Eve date that plays a lot like a live-action Tom & Jerry cartoon . 7 .

  2. 在圣帕特里克节时,请按此请柬

    On St. Patrick 's Day , follow this invitation

  3. 圣帕特里克节是爱尔兰的一个节日。

    St patrick 's day is a holiday in lreland .

  4. 圣帕特里克节喝醉后的第二天宿醉。

    I was on day two of a St. Patrick 's hangover .

  5. 在1905年的圣帕特里克节上,罗斯福与埃莉诺·罗斯福完婚。

    On St. Patrick 's Day , 1905 , he married Eleanor Roosevelt .

  6. 全世界的爱尔兰人正在欢庆“圣帕特里克节”。

    And Irish all over the world are celebrating St. Patrick 's Day .

  7. 圣帕特里克节是在三月。

    St Patrick 's Day is in March .

  8. 昨晚的圣帕特里克节庆祝活动真是太有趣了!

    I had so much fun at the St.patrichk 's Day celebration last night !

  9. 圣帕特里克节是全世界爱尔兰团体都在庆贺的节日。下面是关于节日庆祝的10个有趣事实。

    Here we list 10 fascinating facts about the celebration of Ireland 's patron saint :

  10. 剑桥公爵和公爵夫人与民共庆圣帕特里克节。

    The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were among the many celebrating St. Patrick 's Day .

  11. 美国马萨诸塞州的波士顿于1737年首次庆祝圣帕特里克节。

    St. Patrick 's Day was first celebrated in America in Boston , Massachusetts , in 1737 .

  12. 咸牛肉和卷心菜餐是爱尔兰的传统食物,为圣帕特里克节。

    Corned Beef and cabbage meal is the traditional Irish food for the Saint Patrick 's Day .

  13. 美国真正的酒徒们称圣帕特里克节为业余爱好者之夜。

    The nation 's real alcoholics refer to St. Patrick 's Day as ' amateur night ' .

  14. 波士顿的圣帕特里克节游行活动显然放宽了对同性恋组织参与活动的限制。

    The St. Patrick 's Day parade in Boston is apparently easing its restriction on gay organizations ' participating .

  15. 现在,圣帕特里克节已成为世界上影响范围最广的圣徒节日。

    Today , St. Patrick 's Day is probably the most widely celebrated saint 's day in the world .

  16. 每年的3月17日是圣帕特里克节,该节日庆祝的是爱尔兰圣人。

    Saint Patrick 's Day , March 17 , is an annual celebration of the patron saint of Ireland .

  17. 游行,聚会以及大量的酒后乱语伴随着这个每年一度的庆祝活动,圣帕特里克节是为了纪念爱尔兰守护神圣帕特里克

    Parades , parties and a lot of blarney accompany the annual celebration of the patron saint of Ireland .

  18. 在圣帕特里克节主题集中,有支队伍做了啤酒幸运符小蛋糕。

    I once saw a St. Patrick 's day theme where a team made a beer and lucky charms cupcake .

  19. 但是我答应我妻子我在圣帕特里克节会不工作算是补偿

    But I promised my wife I would not wortk on St.Patty 's day.Ok so you are gonna make up for ?

  20. 圣帕特里克节的活动包括旅行,教堂弥撒,宴会以及身着绿色服装。

    St. Patrick 's Day is celebrated with parades , church services , banquets , and the wearing of the green .

  21. 在圣帕特里克节,我们向爱尔兰人表示敬意,他们在我们国家的发展上功劳太大了。

    On Saint Patrick 's Day we honor the Irish , who played such a big part in the development of our country .

  22. 伊利诺斯州布鲁克菲尔德动物园的动物们在这个圣帕特里克节走了好运,动物园管理员发给它们三叶草美食让它们过瘾。

    The animals at Illinois Brookfield Zoo got lucky this St. Patrick 's Day , as zoo keepers treated them to shamrock goodies .

  23. 我对自己被掐感到非常生气,但有一点儿值得高兴的是,这提醒了我今天是圣帕特里克节。

    I was mostly mad about getting pinched , but also a tiny bit glad about being reminded that it was Saint Patricks Day .

  24. 比如苏格兰有圣安德鲁日,北爱尔兰地区有圣帕特里克节,威尔士有圣大卫日。

    St Andrew 's Day in Scotland , St Patrick 's Day in Northern Ireland and St David 's Day in Wales , for instance .

  25. 你知道该怎么做,它是妇女节,圣帕特里克节,美国国旗纪念日还是教师节?

    You know what to do , is it International Women 's Day , Saint Patrick 's Day , Flag Day , or Teacher Appreciation day ?

  26. 人们就像一首古老的歌中所唱的那样:“圣帕特里克节,我们大家都欢畅。”

    The people try in every way to do as the old song tells them : " Saint Patrick 's Day , we 'll all be very gay . "

  27. 爱尔兰圣帕特里克节的流行祝酒语包括:愿头上屋顶不倒,屋下朋友不分。

    Popular Irish toasts on St Patrick 's Day , include : may the roof above us never fall in , and may we friends beneath it never fall out .

  28. 麦卡恩家人表示,在3月份的圣帕特里克节附近的社区派对上,伊莎贝拉遭受了三度烧伤,烧伤面积超过了65%。

    The McCune family says Isabella suffered third-degree burns over 65 percent of her body when a fire erupted at a neighborhood party on St. Patrick 's Day in March .

  29. 你听着我是个花花公子,但我从新年一直收敛到圣帕特里克节就是为了避免这一天

    Listen , I 'm a player ... but I shut down my player-ness ... from New Year 's to Saint Paddy 's Day just so I can avoid this day .

  30. 安娜提醒我今天是圣帕特里克节,问我要不要去本地的爱尔兰酒吧庆祝庆祝,那当然再好不过来。

    Anna reminded me that it is St.patrick 's Day today.She asked me if I want to go to the local Irish put to celebrate and , of course , I said yes .