
  • 网络San Fernando Valley
  1. 405号州际公路将封闭韦斯特赛德和圣费尔南多谷之间16千米的范围。

    The 405 will close for sixteen kilometers between the city 's Westside and the San Fernando Valley .

  2. Reaf所面临的两项指控均来自于7月6日在洛杉矶高速圣费尔南多谷段发生的超速事件。

    Raef was charged in July with two counts of violating the law stemming from a July 6 incident on a freeway in Los Angeles ' San Fernando Valley .

  3. 下周,这名来自圣费尔南多谷的男生将前往贝弗利山庄的BierBeisl餐厅,为40人制作一套12道菜的大餐,价格是每人160美元,现在名额已经售空。

    And next week the San Fernando Valley schoolboy will head the kitchen at Beverly Hills ' BierBeisl restaurant with a 12-course meal for 40 people charging $ 160 a head . It has already sold-out .