
  • 网络Beverly Hills;beverley hills
  1. 也许到那时,我们自然而然想到的是莫干山(Moganshan),而不是比弗利山庄(BeverlyHills)。

    Perhaps then , we 'll be thinking Moganshan instead of Beverly Hills .

  2. 预计ABC电视网官方将会于本周日在比弗利山庄与美国电视评论协会会员碰面时宣布这一消息。

    The official announcement is expected to be made by ABC TV bosses on Sunday when they meet with members of the Television Critics Association in Beverly Hills .

  3. 周二的时候,埃夫隆在比弗利山庄的鞋店中为这部HBO的热剧客串拍摄。

    The High School Musical star filmed a cameo appearance for the hit HBO show at a Beverly Hills shoe store on Tuesday .

  4. 还有一件事让人分心:两个来自比弗利山庄消防队的医生在典礼举行到一半的时候悄悄来到会场照顾简·方达(JaneFonda)的伴侣,他说觉得自己要晕倒了(后来没事了)。

    Another distraction : Two medics from the Beverly Hills Fire Department quietly arrived mid-show to tend to Jane Fonda 's date , who had complained of feeling faint . ( He was fine . )

  5. 据路透社报道,凯奇的公关人员确认,他是2007年在比弗利山庄的I.M.Chait画廊买下这具骨架的。

    A publicist for Mr. Cage confirmed that he bought the skull from the Beverly Hills gallery I.M. Chait in 2007 , according to Reuters .

  6. 根据西雅图房价估算网站Zillow的数据,去年东汉普顿、纽约市和比弗利山庄的房价上涨10%左右。

    Property prices in East Hampton , New York City and Beverly Hills were up about 10 percent last year , according to Zillow , a Seattle-based site that estimates home values .

  7. 如果你在比弗利山庄住的够久,你也会变成梅赛德斯(恶魔)。

    If you stay in Beverly Hills too long you become a Mercedes .

  8. 阿汤夫妇和小女儿苏芮近日入住他们去年在比弗利山庄购置的一套豪宅,这套豪宅面积达1万平方英尺(相当于900多平米),共有七个卧室和十个洗手间。

    The couple and their daughter , Suri , recently moved into the10,000-square-foot home with seven bedrooms and10 bathrooms , which they purchased last year .

  9. 那天在比弗利山庄蒙特罗斯酒店派对现场,尽管二人没有坐在同一桌,但有人看到他们在一起聊天。

    Despite being seated at separate tables at the glitzy affair at the Montrose Hotel in Beverly Hills , the couple were seen having a civil conversation .

  10. 嘿,昨天晚上比弗利山庄有一场募捐晚宴,人们花了3万美金和奥巴马总统一起出席一场晚宴和一个讨论会。

    Hey , last night at a fundraiser in Beverly Hills , people paid $ 30,000 to attend a dinner and a discussion with President Barack Obama .

  11. 美国著名歌星惠特妮•休斯顿在美国洛杉矶比弗利山庄内的希尔顿酒店去世,享年48岁。

    US singer and actress Whitney Houston has died at the age of 48 , in the Beverly Hilton Hotel , where she was staying as a guest .

  12. 他已经有了任何他想要的东西,包括钱、在比弗利山庄的大房子、女人、汽车、飞机等等等等。

    He was loaded , and he had everything ; money , a big house in Beverly Hills , girls , cars , planes , anything he wanted .

  13. 审讯时她漫步走进法庭,来到被告席,时而目中无人,时而卖弄风情,时而哭泣,时而咒骂,大谈在比弗利山庄出现的盖世太保手段。

    Breezing into court , she took the stand and , by turns haughty , coquettish , weepy and coarse , spoke of Gestapo tactics in Beverly Hills .

  14. 而爱女心切的阿汤哥也已经在他们比弗利山庄的家的附近给小苏瑞的小马造了一个马厩。

    ' Her number one wish is a pony , ' a source told the publication , which claims her father has already found a stable for the pet near their home in Beverly Hills .

  15. 周一时候各位好莱坞明星齐聚洛杉矶比弗利山庄出席每年一度的奥斯卡提名午餐会,而颁奖礼的组织方趁此机会向各奖项的有力竞争者约法三章。

    The Hollywood stars gathered in Los Angeles for the annual Oscar nominees luncheon in Beverly Hills on Monday , and organisers of the upcoming show took time to hand out advice for the potential winners .

  16. 42岁的安妮斯顿7月以现在的房子对于自己来说太大,是时候精简一下为由以3800万卖掉了自己比弗利山庄的房子。

    Aniston , 42 , moved out of her Beverly Hills spread in July after deciding the home was too much for her and it was time to simplify . It sold for $ 38 million .

  17. 48岁的惠特尼于今年格莱美颁奖典礼前夜在洛杉矶比弗利山庄内的希尔顿酒店去世,她生前一直在与毒瘾斗争。

    The 48-year-old singer , who spent years battling addiction to drugs including cocaine , was found submerged in the bathtub of her Beverly Hills hotel room on February 12 , the eve of the Grammy Awards .