
  1. 不售票,不可转让北京环球影城试运行门票不会对公众售卖,且不可转让。

    Universal Studios Beijing Trial Operations Tickets will not be sold to the general public and cannot be transferred .

  2. 与此同时,环球影城(universalstudios)在新加坡的一座主题公园将于明年开放。

    Meanwhile , Universal Studios is opening a theme park in Singapore next year .

  3. 这里给人的体验,和在环球影城(UniversalStudios)主题公园是有很大不同的。

    It offered a considerably different experience from the one you might encounter at a Universal Studios theme park .

  4. 诺金酒店集团计划2019年在北京市通州区东部的郊区开设第二家酒店,与环球影城(UniversalStudios)主题公园一同开业。

    Nuo is planning a second location in the eastern suburb of Tongzhou , to open in 2019 , in conjunction with the opening of Universal Studios .

  5. 超大规模的访问量激增,导致环球影城的官方app和官网,以及许多其他主流票务网站和app,都出现了频繁崩溃的现象。

    The massive surge in traffic caused Universal 's official app and website , as well as plenty of other popular ticketing websites and apps to frequently crash .

  6. 由于人们对安全日益担忧,迪士尼、环球影城(Universal)和海洋世界(SeaWorld)从去年12月开始使用金属探测器。这是三家企业首次大规模推行类似举措。

    In response to increased security concerns , Disney , Universal and SeaWorld began using metal detectors in December , the first time the companies deployed such measures on a large scale .

  7. 如果你不喜欢迪士尼,别担心,环球影城(UniversalStudios)、海洋世界(SeaWorld)和布希花园(BuschGarden)就在街道的对面,但是价格却与迪士尼一样昂贵。

    If Disney isn 't your thing , don 't worry . Universal Studios , SeaWorld and Busch Gardens are right across the street . But the prices are about the same .

  8. 尽管如此,环球影城(UniversalStudios)还是于周一晚间呈现了这部电影,中国官员、中国电影制作人以及美国电影协会(MotionPictureAssociationofAmerica)首席执行官克里斯托弗·J·多德(ChristopherJ.Dodd)都称之为中美联合制作的典范。

    It was nonetheless featured as a model Chinese-American co-production in a Monday night presentation at Universal Studios by Chinese officials and filmmakers , as well as Christopher J. Dodd , the chief executive of the Motion Picture Association of America .

  9. 周五,翻拍终于落下石锤,编剧朱利安·费罗斯(JulianFellowes)确认了该消息。布莱恩·派西维尔(BrianPercival)担任导演,环球影城负责发行。

    But on Friday the movie was confirmed , with creator Julian Fellowes scripting , The Book Thief 's Brian Percival to direct and Universal Studios to distribute .

  10. 朱莉与grill餐厅(位于好莱坞环球影城(universalstudios)旁)其他用餐者明显不一样,所以她一来我就知道了,虽说我坐在餐厅后边,但她一走进来,我立马就认出了她。

    Unlike the other diners in the grill on the Universal Studios lot in Hollywood , I know she is coming , so although I am seated at the back of the restaurant I notice her as soon as she enters .

  11. 哈利波特主题公园将在2009年落户奥兰多环球影城度假村。

    Universal Orlando Resort will open a Harry Potter theme park in2009 .

  12. 环球影城度假区还包括了反映中国文化遗产而特别创造的独特体验。

    it will include experiences designed to reflect China 's cultural heritage .

  13. 事故原因是环球影城一台电脑出现故障。

    A computer glitch is blamed for the problem at Universal Studios .

  14. 环球影城,斯特林大道1949号

    Uh , 1949 Sterling Drive , Studio City .

  15. 今天,世界最大的环球影城主题公园在北京正式营业。

    The world 's largest Universal Studios theme park has opened in Beijing .

  16. 我们先去看好莱坞的环球影城

    First let 's visit the Universal Studio , Hollywood

  17. 娱乐中心&迪士尼乐园,环球影城,纳氏草莓乐园。

    " Fun Zones "– Disneyland , Universal Studios , Knott 's Berry Farm .

  18. 同时环球影城大酒店和诺金度假酒店也很快被预订一空。

    while The Universal Studios Grand Hotel and NUO Resort Hotel quickly booked out .

  19. 最适合有小孩家庭的购物区——环球影城步行街和迪斯尼乐园

    Best Shopping Place for Families with Kids - Universal City Walk & Downtown Disney

  20. 据悉,环球影城主题公园将向游客展示电影幕后制作。

    The Universal Studios theme parks boast of offering a behind-the-scene look at movie making .

  21. 他们应该给环球影城也整一个因为实在是太好玩了

    They should put one of these at Universal . Cause ... really really fun .

  22. 在1932,她卖她的第一个剧本,红典当,以环球影城。

    In1932 , she sold her first screenplay , Red Pawn , to Universal Studios .

  23. 明年,第三个哈利波特主题公园将在好莱坞环球影城正式对外开放。

    The third Harry Potter theme park will open in Universal Studios Hollywood next year .

  24. 此前的两座哈利波特主题公园已经分别在佛罗里达和日本的环球影城开门迎客。

    The Harry Potter theme parks have already opened in Universal Studios Florida and Japan .

  25. 环球影城是全球最大、效益最好的主题公园之一。

    The Universal Film City is one of the biggest and most profitable theme parks in the world .

  26. 短短一分钟内,在携程上开售的环球影城9月20日开园门票就宣告售罄。

    Within one minute , tickets for the resort 's Sept. 20 grand opening sold out on Ctrip .

  27. 环球影城目前有五个主题公园——在洛杉矶、奥兰多、大阪和新加坡。

    Universal Studios now operates five theme parks - in Los Angeles , Orlando , Osaka and Singapore .

  28. 仅在数分钟之遥的圣淘沙名胜世界和环球影城,将能让您畅享无穷无尽的娱乐。

    Be delighted by endless entertainment at Resorts World Sentosa and Universal Studios , which are merely minutes away .

  29. 该名男子:别担心,我很好到环球影城推动你在这里。

    The man : Don 't worry , I am fine to go to USJ to drive you here .

  30. 周日清晨,好莱坞环球影城外景场地发生大火,烧毁了重要的城市布景,但没有波及摄影棚。

    An early morning fire broke out on the Universal Studios backlot Sunday , destroying important cityscape but no soundstages .