
huán ɡù sì zhōu
  • 熟语Look around;look about;look all round
  1. 然后张开眼睛环顾四周,或远或近,或上或下,任何地方。

    Then open your eyes and look about , near and far , up and down , & anywhere .

  2. 环顾四周,人们在午餐时惬意闲谈,笑语盈盈地通电话,或者醉心于书本里的世界。

    You look about you and see friends chatting over lunch , people laughing on their mobiles , others escaping contentedly through novels or newspapers .

  3. 她环顾四周想寻找一个熟人。

    She looked around for a familiar face .

  4. 他急匆匆地径直登上飞机舷梯,没有环顾四周,也没有挥手告别。

    He hustled straight up the aircraft steps without looking round or waving goodbye

  5. 莫伊拉环顾四周,抽了抽鼻子。“这个地方太需要有人来装修一下了。”

    Moira looked around and sniffed . ' This place badly needs a decorator . '

  6. 他出于习惯环顾四周,但是没人注意他。

    He looked around from force of habit , but nobody paid any attention to him

  7. 他登上楼梯,环顾四周。

    He mounted the stairs and looked around .

  8. 她环顾四周.找售货员接待她。

    She looked around for a salesman to wait on her .

  9. 他环顾四周,继续说:"凯西用她的意志和热情鼓舞了我们。

    Looking around , he continued , " Cathy has inspired us with her will and enthusiasm .

  10. 汤姆环顾四周,但他找不到地方可以坐。

    Tom looked around but there was no place for him to sit .

  11. 我环顾四周,几秒后我就不再害怕了。

    I looked around , and for a few seconds I actually stopped being terrified .

  12. 第二天,我环顾四周,问了那个已经独自坐下的人。

    The next day , I did look around and asked the person who was already sitting alone .

  13. 环顾四周,我发现飞机上几乎所有乘客都既担心又害怕。

    When I looked around the plane , I could see that nearly all the passengers were worried and afraid .

  14. 随后,她听到了一阵急促的低语从她身后传来,“这边走,我知道另一条出路。”雷茜警觉地环顾四周,惊讶地发现浴室里竟然有一个啦啦队队长正站在她的身后。

    Then she heard an urgent whisper coming from behind her ... " This way , quick , I know another way out ! " Spinning around , Lacey was shocked to see another cheerleader standing12 in the bathroom behind her .

  15. 还好,答案是“有可能”,因为当我开始环顾四周,我发现,有一种全球性的反抗力量存在,反抗这种高速度文化这种高速度文化告诉我们越快越好,而且越忙越好。

    And thankfully , the answer is yes , because what I discovered , when I began looking around , that there is a global backlash against this culture that tells us that faster is always better , and that busier is best .

  16. Thecoastisclear.(环顾四周)现在安全了。/现在就是机会。老师在大厅吗?安全!你正好现在溜出学校。

    A : Are there any teachers in the hall ? B : The coast is clear . You can sneak out of school now .

  17. 而且我必须说,乔(Joe),当我环顾四周,看到的这些人都不像是会被轻易吓倒的。

    And I have to say , Joe , as I look out at this room , these dont look like people who are easily deterred .

  18. 檀香山——在这个位于欧胡岛米里拉尼郊区的社区中布满棕榈树的蜿蜒死胡同里,艾伦·阿卡米那(AllanAkamine)环顾四周,看到一个又一个装着太阳能组件的屋顶,眼中透露出些许失望、些许困惑。

    HONOLULU - Allan Akamine has looked all around the winding , palm tree-lined cul-de-sacs of his suburban neighborhood in Miliani here on Oahu and , with an equal mix of frustration and bemusement , seen roof after roof bearing solar panels .

  19. 环顾四周,他看不出任何有生命存在的迹象。

    Looking about , he could see no sign of life .

  20. 所有人都环顾四周,点头表示同意。

    Everyone looked around , and they all nodded in agreement .

  21. 他们环顾四周,发现了许多成功大道。

    They look around and see lots of avenues to success .

  22. 我惊讶地环顾四周,但什么也没看见。

    I looked round me with astonishment , but saw nothing .

  23. 斯塔奇环顾四周求援,但是全都背弃了他。

    Starkey looked round for help , but all deserted him .

  24. 很明显地,神喜爱多样化,只要你环顾四周便会明白!

    It is obvious that God loves variety-just look around !

  25. 她坐起来环顾四周,看到三兄弟。

    She sat up and looked around and saw the three brothers .

  26. 环顾四周就可确认,埃里克。

    A look around this place confirms that , eric .

  27. 他环顾四周,看到了哈利,马上跳起来。

    He looked around , saw Harry , and jumped .

  28. 她不时停下来环顾四周。

    From time to time she stopped and looked round .

  29. 我环顾四周,只见茫茫大海。

    He looked all round and found nothing but the boundless sea .

  30. 他环顾四周,然后走向洗手间。

    He looked around , then made his way to the lavatory .